Page 24 - Education Supp February 2022 Digital
P. 24


        LittleHill Montessori Preschool tells us more

               ontessori has fast become a
               household name in South Africa as
       Man alternative form of education
        for children. However, there is still some
        mystery around what exactly the Montessori
        philosophy entails and how it differs from a
        more traditional way of schooling.
           In a nutshell, Montessori is a holistic
        approach which values all areas of the child’s
        development: physical, social, emotional
        and cognitive. This child-centred method
        of education involves child-led activities in
        classrooms with children of different ages, guided
        by a Directress who encourages independence
        among the students. Above all, the Montessori
        philosophy is meant to be an ‘aid to life’, a
        methodology to help each child fulfil their unique
        potential, discovering and developing their
        personal contributions to the world.
           You might wonder if Montessori suits every
        child. The short answer is yes! The Montessori   FEE STRUCTURE 2022
        approach has been used successfully with children   Annual Admin Fee ..................R1 900
        from all socioeconomic levels. All children are   Annual Stationery Fee ............R1 370
        unique, and Montessori offers an individual   Half Day (7:00 – 12:45) ...........R3 150 per month
        programme tailored to the strengths and   Full Day (7:00 – 17:30) ............R3 800 per month
        challenges of each child, to help them learn   Meals (Optional) .....................R0 810 per month
        according to their interests and at their own pace.
                                             Holiday Programme ................R0 110 per day
        WHO WE ARE
        LittleHill Montessori opened its doors in 2005 with the vision of providing children with a safe and
        comfortable space where they could grow and learn. Now we are located at secure Balwin estates
        in Waterfall. LittleHill Kikuyu and LittleHill The Polofields are ready to welcome your little ones!
           Our school emphasises independence, creativity, problem-solving and concentration,
        beginning at an early age. The Montessori qualified teachers’ goal is to cultivate a lifelong learner
        through a thoughtfully prepared environment where children are encouraged to select work and
        assume responsibilities through their natural desire to learn.
           The schools are purpose built and kitted out with the full range of Montessori equipment.
        Large, airy classrooms have been designed to cater to every little one’s developmental needs,
        while spacious playgrounds offer a jungle gym, sandpit and bike track as well as learning spaces for
        gardening, planting and botany. Safety and security are of paramount importance, and the school
        and classrooms have been fitted with CCTV cameras.
           LittleHill is a member of the South African Montessori Association (SAMA) and the SA
        Childcare Association.

            Enrolments are now open for LittleHill Kikuyu and LittleHill The Polofields in Waterfall.
            Our schools welcome learners who are both residents and non-residents of the estate.
                           To visit our schools, please BOOK A TOUR -

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