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Join the Live Kaizen Robotics Club
Coding and Robotics Course for Kids
here has always been a need for
new innovators, thinkers, and
Tproblem solving leaders, but
the current demand for these skills is
unprecedented, and growing fast.
Programming, Robotics and Design
are quickly becoming essential skills
for success. These are not easy skills
to build, but research has shown that
exposure to these concepts early on has
a significantly positive impact on success
in these fields.
Our Programming and Robotics
Course has been designed through the
collaboration of Engineers, Scientists
and Psychologists to provide a solid
foundational education in Engineering
Design, Programming and Robotics. STRUCTURED COURSE
Our course is structured, providing sound technical foundations and building upon these
The course focuses on hands-on activities, with practical applications of various complexities.
using leading-edge EdTech, to promote a
‘learn by doing’ mindset and encourages Three levels are offered:
experimentation. - Beginner
- Intermediate
Our course helps children to develop skills EXPOSURE TO REAL-WORLD ROBOTICS!
that are becoming increasingly important: Our ties with Industry and leading Universities enable us to arrange special events where
• Creative problem solving and adaptive children get exposure to professionals in STEM fields.
• Spatial thinking and new media literacy EXCITING PROJECTS!
• Effective communication of ideas In the Intermediate and Advanced Levels, once children have developed a solid foundation,
• Adaptability and learning agility they participate in one big exciting project every year – for example, previous classes have:
• Building skills in Mechanical, Electrical - 3D printed, built and programmed a ChatBot
and Software engineering - Programmed and launched a High-Altitude Balloon
• ‘Transdisciplinary’ approach which - Built and programmed a Robotic Sandwich Maker.
points to a breadth of skills.
Education | February 2022 | 34