Page 36 - Education Supplement_Issue 2_ 2022
P. 36



            St Alban’s College is an
          institution that encourages
          its learners to expand their
        horizons whilst exposing them
         to as many tools as possible
        to help shape them into global
             citizens of the future.

             utward-facing in all that it does,
             St Alban’s College focuses on
       Oservice, leadership and preparing
        young men for the rigours of life, which
        means that Albanians leave the school
        fully prepared for the challenges of the
        modern world. As a result, St Alban’s   OUR HISTORY                    True to form, our academic offering has been
        College is established and secure but   St Alban’s College is a values-driven   outstanding. Our 2021 Matrics achieved
        never complacent.                    school with an overriding pride in   excellent results with a 100% pass rate and
                                             decency, warmth, natural politeness   97% of the students receiving a University
        Creativity and innovation flourish here,   and chivalry. As we near our Diamond   exemption. These young men endured
        and the institution prides itself on being   Jubilee in 2023, we find ourselves   two tumultuous years and, despite many
        ahead of the pulse of global technology   in a strong and confident position.   challenges, have achieved the best results in
        and innovation standards that speak   In sports, the College offers rugby,   their and the school’s history.
        to critical skills like renewable energy,   cricket, hockey, basketball, rowing and
        robotics and coding.                 water polo – the highlight being our   OUR LEGACY
                                             basketball side which currently ranks   In complex and diverse ways, this vibrant,
        Our high number of global university   first in the school boy league.   innovative, forward-looking school continues
        candidates is a testament to the quality                               to influence young men to make a sincere
        of the multifaceted education St Alban’s   The College also boasts an award-  and tangible difference in South Africa and
        College has to offer. Our pupils and staff   winning Arts programme. Our Band,   the world at large. Schools are not exclusively
        see every day as an opportunity to grow,   Barbershop Boys, Choir, Drum Circle,   places of academic learning – they should be
        develop and learn, and the journey as a   Gumboot Dancers, Visual Art and   environments that generate a genuine urge
        lifelong learner begins the moment a boy   ADAMS Drama Programmes are   and passion for helping others and, in so
        starts at St Alban’s College.        among the best in the country.    doing, make the world a more equal place.

                                                                               IT TAKES A SCHOOL WITH VISION TO
                                                                                PREPARE A YOUNG MAN FOR LIFE

                                                                               Address: 110 Clearwater Road, Lynnwood Glen,
                                                                                  Pretoria, 0081, Gauteng, South Africa
                                                                                         Tel: +27 12 348 1221

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