Page 40 - Education Supplement_Issue 2_ 2022
P. 40


                                                          CONTENT IN AN ADVANCED,

                                                                  INTERACTIVE DIGITAL


                                           IN PROUD PARTNERSHIP WITH

       Trident Digital Enterprises is proud to announce its
       partnership with Britannica Digital Learning, to
       bring the world’s most trusted reference and
       education resource to South African schools, tertiary
       institutions and libraries.

       As a digital first, B-BBEE Level 1 business with a keen
       focus on digital learning, Trident Digital Enterprises’
       EduTech division sought to address the challenges
       of supporting remote and hybrid education by
       bringing to South Africa the best digital learning and     Caroline Kennard, Managing Director at
       reference resource available in the market today.          Encyclopaedia Britannica (UK) says Britannica
                                                                  Digital Learning serves over 140 million students in
       Troy Hector, CEO of Trident Enterprises, says:             over 83 countries, with growing demand from South
       “Trident EduTech deploys the latest digital solutions      African educators. “Our vision is to personalise
       to support both teachers and learners across the           education and design custom resources that meet
       country. Our classroom management and virtual              the unique challenges and needs of the markets we
       learning solutions are already making remote and           serve,” she notes. By partnering with Britannica
       hybrid classrooms come alive for learners. However,        Digital Learning, Trident EduTech can fast-track
       we also recognised that it is crucial for schools to       access to Britannica Digital Learning’s award-
       have access to a safe and trusted source of reference      winning reference and curriculum solutions for
       material for teaching, assignments and self-learning       educators. Trident EduTech offers subscription
       – whether they are enabling hybrid schooling, or           packages to 15 bundled offerings across Britannica’s
       simply want their learners to have access to these         digital library, sciences focused LaunchPacks,
       materials wherever they are. This informed our             ImageQuest and more, allowing customers to tailor
       decision to partner with the recognised leader in this     their package by subject matter and number of
       field – Britannica.”                                       learners. Once enrolled, schools simply submit their
                                                                  learner details and Trident EduTech will issue each
       With a 250-year history of providing well-researched       learner with a licence, allowing them access to the
       answers and information, Encyclopaedia Britannica          rich, trusted reference materials categorised in
       has been a trusted reference source for generations        foundational, intermediate and advanced levels to
       and the online version of the Encyclopaedia                support local curricula.
       Britannica is a trusted source used by more than
       4,755 universities worldwide.                              “Britannica Digital Learning is easy to use and
       As a trailblazer across knowledge industries,              presents trusted, properly researched information in
       Britannica is continually innovating, seeking to           a rich, engaging way,” says Hector. “It not only
       inspire curiosity and the joy of learning through          makes learning fun and exciting, but importantly, it
       images, video, audio clips and interactive activities      means online discovery is safe for children.”
       such as map exploration and research tools.
       Britannica Digital Learning offers resources for
       educators, learners and tertiary students in its             For more information about Trident Edutech, visit

       award-winning solutions for classrooms and            
                                                                                              Trident Edutech
                                                                     or follow us on Facebook at
                                                                            Contact person – Troy Hector

                                                                                                +27 81 436 2119
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