Page 44 - Education Supplement_Issue 2_ 2022
P. 44

Develop a lifelong passion for

        learning at Blue Hills Kumon

           ikely, all children will agree that the   Kumon focuses on Maths and English, enabling your child to study several years above
           word they find most terrifying in   their school grade, thereby increasing their confidence.
       Ltheir school career is MATHS!
                                             At Blue Hills Kumon, we strive to develop our students to become self-motivated
        On the flip side, you would think that,   learners. The Kumon method is for children of all ages and abilities, but I would like
        with English being our first language   to encourage parents to consider enrolling their children with Blue Hills Kumon from
        spoken and written in most schools, it   the age of two and a half years old. This will give them the opportunity to begin their
        would be that exam results should show   schooling able to do multiplication and division, and reading fluently by Grade R.
        high aggregates, but our children, very
        much like us, struggle to understand the   Our method of developing our students is very closely aligned with the origin of the
        fundamentals.                        word ‘Education’, stemming from the Latin word Educaré, which means to ‘draw out’.
                                             This differs from teaching in the conventional sense, which is where the teacher is relied
        Language is a crucial skillset that, if   on to give the information.
        wielded effectively, commands attention
        in the room, indicates intellect, aids in   At Blue Hills Kumon, we draw out the ability that already exists within students – they
        resolving issues, and produces valuable   are naturally bright and we aim to increase that by making them smarter. In doing so,
        communication that manages both      we are developing their independence.
        personal and professional relationships
        constructively. Language, therefore, is   Our way of teaching is similar to the kind of instruction that one would experience in
        a focus that needs more than its due   a dojo. We train our students and facilitate their learning from the worksheets, which
        attention.                           helps them to think independently without relying on a ‘teacher’ who would be the one
                                             holding all the information. In self-discovering, children feel a sense of accomplishment,
                                              a sense of “I did it!” and this increases their motivation, enabling them to successfully
                                              do work they have never seen before.

                                              Kumon study is like learning and developing any skill, such as music. In order to learn
                                               and improve, daily practice is required. By doing small, manageable amounts of work
                                                 every day, children are easily able to overcome challenges. This also helps them to
                                                  learn perseverance and, eventually, this will lead them to achieve their life goals
                                                    and dreams.

                                                       Kumon aims to develop sound, capable people equipped and able to
                                                        contribute to the global community.

                                                             Give your child the edge this August by enrolling them at
                                                                               Blue Hills Kumon!

                                                                    Receive a R200 discount off the registration fees.

                                                               Contact us on 064 543 2243 or
                                                                              for more information.

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