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                                                                                                                                     Africa’s Largest Selection of Patio Furniture & Accessories


                                                        by James Clarke

            Archaeologist Brian Stewart of       Wet and cold though the  rst dress was, the   Ug now found himself having to chase sabre-
            the University of Michigan and       idea was a smash hit.               toothed cats, lions and other non-edibles,       We are located at Samrand Business Park, 59 Landmarks Avenue,
                                                                                     simply to extract the teeth and claws with
            his colleagues have found ostrich    What has this got to with jewellery? I am   which to adorn his beloved. Just as jewellery
            eggshell beads in southern Africa    about to tell you.                  costs today, so  nding one’s own often cost                                   Kosmosdal, Centurion, 0157.
            that date back at least 33  000                                          an arm and leg.
            years. According to the American     Until the dress was invented, the only places
            Proceedings of the National Aca-     a woman had to hang or attach adornments -   This pursuit of dangerous and uncooperative
            demy of Sciences, other examples of   and oh, how she loved adornments - were her   animals naturally instilled a certain amount of
                                                                                     unwillingness on the part of the hunter and
            this form of jewellery may date back   ears, nose, lips, hair, neck, waist, upper arms,   so women had to become more conniving.
                                                 lower arms, wrists, 10  ngers, 10 toes, ankles,
            200 000 years.                       calves and thighs.
                                                                                     A typical female-to-female cave conversation
              have often  pondered  why  women like   But ostrich egg beads were not enough.  might have gone:  “I’ve told Ug that if he
              jewellery.  If I could discover what it is                             brings me back a pair of tiger teeth earrings
            I  then somebody could start working on an   With the advent of the dress she now had   I’ll make him his favourite dish - warthog
            antidote.                            new places on which to attach pretty baubles.   placenta garnished with caterpillars. If he
                                                                                     fails, he’ll have left-overs from last night and
            There comes a time in every man’s life when   It needs very little stretch of the imagination   the night before.”
            he has bought his wife just about everything   to understand how adornments must
            she needs ... a scrubbing board, a carrot grater,   have dramatically reshaped relationships   “What did you cook last night?”
            spanners, drain cleaners and so on. And so, as   between men and women. Up until that
            they get older, men are forced to start buying   point, the primeval hunter, Ignatius Ug (not   “My grandmother.”
            jewellery, the sure- re stand-by to please the   his real name), would have taken an interest
            little woman. It is a sad stage of life.  in animals mainly to get at their innermost   Modern women have become even more
                                                 being (i.e. their liver and sirloin). Now, with   inventive about jewellery. A London store
            It has been said (Beano 1951) that women,   the advent of jewellery, things became more   o ers live, jewel-encrusted beetles which can
            long before they wore clothes, were probably   serious.                  be tethered to a dress by gold chains. Some
            satis ed with adorning themselves with                                   women use miniature dogs for displaying
            ochre, mud and stu .  Clothes came in   Amelia-Anne Ug, seeing her neighbour,   their surplus diamonds and older women
            when the earliest couturiers hit on the idea   Gareldene Fothergill-Onk wearing a warthog   have the ultimate adornment draped over
            of  attening out animal skins, scraping all   tusk through her cute little nose, would   their forearm - a toy boy. Even he wears
            the blood and fat o  the inside (couturiers,   want something equally chic, if not chicker.   earrings and gold chains.
            from the word go, were ever fussy) and then   Geraldine might well have  ashed the odd
            making a hole for the female to shove her   lion tooth too.
            head through.
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