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by Caylin Goodchild
he past few weeks of lockdown have in any quantity. Everyone’s pattern is di erent, couscous, whole-wheat bread and corn. A
possibly resulted in many resorting to so nd one that works for you, your lifestyle, diet rich in whole grains has been shown
Tcomfort eating, increased snacking, your goals and one which you can maintain. to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2
unusual cravings, less or no exercise, and diabetes and obesity. About a quarter of your
likely some weight gain. 3. ARE YOU DRINKING YOUR plate should consist of whole grains.
To get you back on track, Drinks are also a way that extra calories can 6. GET MOVING
here are some helpful tips! sneak in, without even making us full. Take a Increasing your physical exercise helps your
simple cup of co ee, for example. The co ee body burn more calories than it would if
1. WATCH YOUR SNACKS itself has very minimal calories, but by adding you were just sitting down. Remember that
Snacking can so easily increase your calorie a quarter cup of full cream milk and two exercise should be a celebration of what
your body can do, not punishment for what
intake beyond what your body needs. Certain teaspoons of sugar, the calories increase to you ate. Find something that you love, be
snacks can also be loaded with re ned sugars 69. If you have this three times a day, over a it dancing, jogging, cycling, swimming,
and unhealthy fat, which negatively impact period of one month, you will have taken in skipping, brisk walking or playing sport.
your body beyond weight gain. Where 1 449 calories, merely from co ee. This is equal This way, you would want to engage in the
should we start when it comes to snacking? to about 18 slices of bread. We can avoid this activity, making it a lifestyle choice, instead
Firstly, have fresh fruit and vegetables readily by swopping to low-fat or fat-free milk, and by of a ‘quick x’. The World Health Organisation
available. These are lled with bre and reducing (and ultimately avoiding) the sugar recommends at least 150 minutes of
nutrients, which both nourish the body and we add to our drinks. Also, when it comes moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-
keep us fuller for longer. Secondly, if you don’t to cold drinks, rather choose the sugar-free intensity aerobic physical activity throughout
keep it, you can’t eat. Simply not purchasing options, or fruit juice which you can dilute to the week.
unhealthy snacks whilst shopping will half water and half juice.
prevent you from being able to easily grab If you feel that you require assistance to
them when you feel your cravings coming 4. TRIM THE FAT maintain a healthy weight, see a dietitian
on. Thirdly, check your thirst levels. We often Fatty pieces of meat or chicken with the skin who can provide you with an individualised
confuse thirst and hunger. Having a glass of on, is another way that extra calories can eating plan, or give insight about the foods
water before opting for a snack is a good way make their way into your meals. Always look you eat and how they a ect certain medical
to check if you really are hungry. Aim to drink at how much fat various proteins contain. conditions. Remember, weightloss is not a
at least eight glasses of water per day. For example, 100 grams of wors has about 19 ‘one-size- ts-all’ approach.
grams of fat, whereas tuna (in brine) has less
2. EAT AT REGULAR TIMES than 1 gram of fat. Opt for lean proteins such
In the same way that we check the time to as sh, chicken without the skin, lean mince, Caylin Goodchild Dietitian, MSc Dietetics
attend a meeting or pick our children up from eggs, or legumes such as beans, lentils and Concourse Medical & Dental Centre, Lonehill,
school, we should also check the time for chickpeas. Sandton
meals. This creates more structure in eating Tel: 011 465 2419
patterns, and also prevents us from getting 5. CHOOSE WHOLE GRAINS Email:
extremely hungry, then resorting to any food, Whole grains include oats, brown rice, barley,
buckwheat, bulgur, quinoa, whole-wheat
28 • Issue 2 2020 • BLUE VALLEY NEWS