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            our children from, but the truth  does not   •  Get  back to some routines.  As soon as   for screens is in relationships with true
            need to include every gory detail. How much   possible, try to follow some routines because   friends and family. Let’s use technology
            detail to share will depend on their ability to   they provide comfort and a familiarity in   well.  Support  your  family  and  your
            understand -  age appropriate  information   their structure. Follow as normal a schedule   children  by reaching out regularly to
            and following the rule of thumb, along with   as possible. Try to maintain household rules   friends and relatives during this time.
            only answering the questions they ask there is   and discipline. Rules and discipline provide   •  Stay vigilant around online schooling. This is
            no need to give more information than what   children with security. It is  ne to let your   new to all, so expect that your child will need
            would satisfy their current question. They will   children be more dependent on you at this   supervision and guidance while working
            come back to ask more when they are mentally,   time. Things that may seem small to you,   online. Children with learning concerns will
            emotionally and psychologically ready to   like watching television or having friends   need more direct involvement and structure
            do so.   Young children  will need simple,   over, are important to your children and   than same-age peers to get online work
            concrete explanations of what  is happening   will be seen as big losses. Be patient and   done. Ask for teacher support early. If your
            and  how it a ects them.  For example,  “Why   help children think of alternative activities if   child is struggling to learn at home, seek out
            can’t I go and play with Peter yet?” If they have   their regular activities are cancelled. Provide   advice for what to try next.
            a misunderstanding of events, correct them.   plenty of opportunities for play and learn.   •  Stay  realistic  but  reassuring  about
            But if you get “It’s just while we have to stay safe   •  Children cope better and recover sooner   COVID-19.  Remember, children process
            and not spread the virus, hey mom?” then there   when they help others because it creates   things di erently from adults. Encourage
            is no need to add more details. Their simple   a sense of control and helps children feel   discussion and questions but avoid
            explanations may be exactly what they need   better about themselves. Little things such    ooding with facts.  Children tend to
            to believe to feel safe. The goal here is to try   as drawing granny a picture and sending   need straightforward answers to their
            not to take away that sense of security they are   it to her via WhatsApp can make a huge   questions.  Then wait and see what further
            constructing for themselves.          di erence  to  all,  as  can  phoning a friend   questions your answer brings. Answer those
                                                  who may be forgotten in the usual social   questions in the same way, to the point and
            Older children and teens will likely ask for and   mix. There are many apps available that can   reassuringly.
            bene t  from additional information about   bring us “together” at this time, so let’s use
            the  situation and actions being taken in the   them to break the disconnect.   We need to change our thinking around
            country. Also be sure to open conversations   •  For the older children and teens, another   staying home due to COVID-19. Yes, the reality
            about what they are seeing on social media   way to encourage a child’s sense of control   is present but there is also hope. If we dare to
            such as Instagram. There is a lot of nonsense   is to review your own family plan together.   deconstruct the dominant negative narratives
            doing the rounds that needs to be unpacked.    What are we planning to do if x happens?   and stand against these stories by breathing
                                                  Coming up with a family plan increases their   life into alternate stories of hope and growth,
            Saying “I do not know” is OK. Do not be   sense of security.             we then take a stance which is very di erent.
            concerned about saying the perfect words,                                We are then a community working to protect
            there are no perfect words. It is OK to say you                          the vulnerable among us.  We are then building
            do not know why it is happening or how to   In summary:                  our  “community”.  We  are  then  teaching our
            solve it. The main goal is to reinforce that you   •  Focus on building resilience through some   children solidarity and preparedness, as a
            and your children are safe. Focus on the steps   structure and routine.  Our mental health   family, as a community, and as a country. We
            you are taking to become safe. If you can, point   relies on our physical routines, all too easily   are then rede ning our values and we will  nd
            out things like the social distancing and staying   lost during challenging times.  No routine   gains during this challenging time.
            home so that doctors and nurses can work to   whatsoever is unsettling. Adults and children
            help those a ected. They may also be worried   may be happier with a rough schedule day to   I leave you with a parting question:
            about the safety of their friends or extended   day.
            family. Be honest if you really do not know, but   •  Exercise:  Daily, or  every second  day,   HOW OFTEN ARE WE GIVEN THE
            reassure them that their friends’ parents are   exercise will make your children happier,   OPPORTUNITY TO SPEND 21 (OR
            taking care of them. You might tell them about   even if they complain. It will probably   MORE) DAYS WITH OUR FAMILY?
            how the doctors, nurses and government are   make you happier too. Exercise a ects
            working hard to  ght against the virus; how the   mood, energy level, learning, and more.
            farmers  are  growing  food;  the  grocery  stores   If you cannot get outside, Yoga or Pilates
            are still open to ensure we can buy goods or   are great, or seek out online exercise
            how rubbish removal workers are keeping our   apps. I also know some of our coaches
            communities clean.                       are o ering training programs, make use
                                                     of their expertise and skills at this time. It
            Limit exposure to the media              creates connection and gives you, your
            Try to monitor and limit your children’s   children (and the coach) something to   •   Marital, Couples & Family
            exposure to media, especially the news and fake    ll a portion of the day.     Therapy
            news. News coverage is often overwhelming.   •  Sleep: A consistent routine, including a   •   Counselling Children,
            Ultimately, it may change the way they view   consistent bedtime, encourages better   Adolescents & Adults
            the  world. They may  begin to  see it  as a   sleep. Sleep heals.
            scary place. There is so much fake news and   •  Nutrition: Eat as healthily as you can.   •   “Teen” Challenges
            conspiracy theories  circulating  currently  on   Cooking and baking are a great activity   •   Behavioural & Adjustment
            social media that we need to be extra vigilant   when inside all day and they build   Challenges
            about what teens and children are consuming.   relationships.                •   Stress-Related Challenges
            We need to try to encourage messages of hope   •  Screen  time: I cannot stress this one   •   Adjustment to Depression &
            and optimism. This helps build resilience. Even   enough. Stay on top of screen time. Kids   Anxiety
            in  the  most  di cult situation,  your  positive   who spend too much time on screen get   •   Subject & Career Counselling
            outlook on the future will help your children   moody and edgy, especially the teens.   •   Psychometric Testing
            see good things in the world around them,   Open-ended limits lead to problems.
            helping them through challenging times not   Set limits where possible. For adults, you   For an appointment please call
            only now but in the future as well.      may need to do the same, particularly      083 376 1995
                                                     by taking breaks from the news. There
                                                     are  so  many  conspiracy  theories going   Fees are charged according to Scale of
            Controlling the controllables            around and these will escalate as            Bene ts
            Easier said than done but try and control what   time progresses. Use time on-screen
            you have control over and try not worrying   wisely and concisely. Be critical of what   Pr. Nr. 0860000114022
            about what we cannot control.            you consume as real.                     Reg. No.: PS 0080543
                                                    •  Relationships:  One  of  the  best  uses

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