Page 24 - Blue Valley Issue 5 2021
P. 24

Today’s ChiLd



              FOR THE



           Director of Business Development, Life Talk

         We all want our children to
          be happy, secure, fulfilled
            and able to cope with
          what life throws at them.
            So, how do we set that

            omething that I have often pondered   how important it is to spend time with our   some of these are surprisingly simple things:
            is – how do you raise children for the   children and that they learn how to behave
         Sunknown, for a world that doesn’t exist   by observing the adults in their lives. It is   •  Raise your children with a ‘can do’ versus a
         yet, for a life of constant and rapid change, of   irrefutable that you will have a major impact   ‘can’t do’ attitude. This will encourage them
         complexity?                         on how your children conduct themselves in   to become self-starters and action oriented.
         The key skills they would probably need are                            •  Let  your  children  do  chores.  If they don’t
         resilience and adaptability but, in addition,   Being aware of this in your daily interactions   do  them,  someone  else  has  to.  Chores
         psychologists  have  identified  several  factors   will be crucial to their development. If they see   reinforce that work needs to be done and, in
         that may ensure success.  We have nothing   you lose your temper easily, or shout at people   so  doing,  each  of  us contributes.  This helps
         else to work with other than what current   when things go wrong, or give up at the first   develop collaboration skills and empathy
         studies and theories predict, so this is what   hurdle, or don’t appreciate things or people, or   – because they know what it takes, how to
         the experts suggest.                have a poor work ethic – so will they. Fact.  work independently, and it teaches them the
                                                                                 importance of responsibility. It may also teach
         We are our CHilDren’s role          suCCessFul ParentinG – WHat         them negotiation skills!
         moDels                              tHe ProFessionals saY
         Parenting has a  direct  influence  on   Studies indicate that successful adults had the   •  Encourage  curiosity.  Free time used for self-
         developing a child’s capabilities. We all know   following common grounding as children, and   exploration will create the space for your child

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