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            We would like to thank           1.3  In the event that homeowners suspect   re-set for the coming year. As you prepare
                                               they are  being followed,  we recommend
                                                                                   for this long holiday and well-deserved
              all residents for the            you do this:                        rest, consider these pointers:
           joint partnership we’ve             - If possible, drive to the nearest police   -  Fill out and submit a holiday form. Include
                                                                                   the  duration of  your  holiday  period.
          enjoyed during 2021. Your            - Call the estate control room and make the   Security  will  check  the  property  for  the
           co-operation and buy-in             security guards aware of the situation. It is   duration recorded. In the event that there
                                                                                   are extensions to a holiday, this must be
                                               important to give your details and details
            on security initiatives            of the vehicle that you suspect is following   communicated.
          made things possible and             you.  Security  will  prepare  accordingly  to   -  Test the home alarm and ensure that it is
                                               deal with the suspects.  This is to ensure
           made for a much better              that no one is hurt during the possible   -  It is imperative not to leave keys hidden
                                                                                   somewhere in or around the house. This is
         year. And now, as we enter                                                a serious security risk and is discouraged.
          the silly season, residents        2.  theFt inCiDents                  -  De-activate the electronic communications,
                                             2.1  This concerns theft from residential
                                                                                   keys,  etc. of  all  people  associated with  your
           are encouraged to be on             homes and homes under construction.   property who should not have access to it
                                               During this time, when the construction
                                                                                   during this period.
           high alert in all spheres,          industry is on its annual break, we have   -  Keep your postbox clear of mail.
          both at home and outside             realised over the years that petty theft   -  Keep the grass short and ensure that there
                                                                                   are no possible hiding spots for criminals.
                                               becomes a challenge. It is unfortunate
                   the estate.                 that in most cases, residents leave their   -  Ensure that your home is clearly
                                               assets unprotected  in the building  being   illuminated so that criminals or trespassers
         The following crime trends are prominent in the   constructed/renovated, and as a result,   can’t move undetected.
         area  heading  towards  the  festive  season  and   criminals seize upon the opportunity.
         during that time:                     Homeowners whose properties are still   3.  noise violations
                                               under  construction are  encouraged  to   3.1  While this festive season should be a happy
         1.  Follow home robberies             check and lock up their assets with the   period, it doesn’t mean noise can increase
         1.1  Residents are encouraged to pay staff via EFT   respective building contractors, and to   exponentially. Noise violation rules remain
           and not with cash. There is a heightened risk   ensure  that  all  their  assets  are  kept  safe.   unchanged. Residents are encouraged to
           of  suspects following  residents home  from   While security patrols and checks will be   adhere to the rules and reputation of the
           a bank. Homeowners are also advised to   heightened during this time, security is not   estate.
           discourage contractors from doing the same.  responsible for any material/asset audit   3.2  Many South Africans rent out their homes
         1.2  Residents are reminded to be vigilant when   and, therefore, may not know if anything   via Airbnb during this season. Residents
           wearing expensive  jewellery in public.  This   is missing.             are reminded that this is not permitted
           attracts criminals, and recent incidents have   2.2  During this season, residents vacate their   as it exposes the estate to unwanted
           been disturbing.                    properties  in  order  to  get  some  rest  and   characters and security risks.

         6 • Issue 6 2021• BLUE VALLEY NEWS
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