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         3.3  Homeowners’ children often meet at the   to the risk of follow home robberies, as
           parks or the clubhouse parking area and   mentioned above: such robberies can be
           play loud music and consume liquor in these   eliminated by eliminating call time and
           recreational/public areas. Homeowners are   only processing the code generated.
           requested  to  address  their  children  and   5.2 Homeowners  are  discouraged  from
           discourage this,  while security has  been   using their biometrics to grant access to
           asked to deal decisively with any untoward   visitors. Everyone has to be accounted for,
           behaviour.  The HOA will be strict in this   for  security  reasons.  It  must  be  stressed
           regard to  ensure that  all homeowners   that the failure to follow access control
           enjoy their peace uninterrupted. Residents   procedures is a violation, according to the
           witnessing transgressions must report   estate rules. This change was triggered to
           them to security and should not engage the   improve service delivery in the estate and
           transgressor so as to avoid confrontation.  ease the traffic flow at the gates.
                                             5.3  All the house minders of family or friends are
         4.  vettinG                           encouraged to be enrolled on biometrics.
         4.1  The vetting process has gained momentum   Security will not grant access or egress
           over the years. Residents are encouraged   without the homeowner’s confirmation.   criminal challenges such as shoplifting,
           to uphold this process. The evidence of its   5.4  All goods offered to domestic staff must   armed robbery, business robbery, theft,
           success cannot be undermined – people   be accompanied by a pass out letter   fraud syndicates, aggravated follow home
           respect what you inspect.           signed by the resident. Security will still   robberies, etc.  The security team being
         4.2  As new people are introduced in 2022,   call to confirm that the parcels were given   overseen by the risk manager, together with
           residents are encouraged to ensure that   and that the possessor has permission to   the SSC, will provide proactive measures to
           they undergo the vetting process. All   leave the estate with the items.  aid crime prevention and set up proactive
           the other people vetted during 2021 will                             sting operations.  This project also serves to
           need to  be  vetted  again in  2022.  Please   6.  physiCal seCurity  provide support to the SA Police Service and
           understand that a lot can happen in a   6.1  Additional resources will be deployed to   the Community Police Forum.
           year and as a result, individuals may be   safeguard the estate through physical
           compromised.                        security patrols, supplementing the   We would like to use this occasion to express
                                               technology deployed.  This seeks to   our thanks for the successful co-operation this
         5.  aCCess Control                    circumvent the security risk in the area at   year.  We look forward to working with you
         5.1  The Glovent system is currently used by   this time of year.      again in 2022.
           the  estate  as  the  visitor’s management   6.2  A security action plan is in place with
           system.  There is still a high number of   relevant contingencies to ensure the   Regards
           residents not using the app to create   safety of residents and their assets.  Security Manager, Blue Valley Homeowners
           codes for their visitors, for deliveries and                         Association
           so forth. Failure to create this app results   Please be advised when driving outside the   Tel: (+27) 11 512 0856
           in congestion at the gate. This also relates   estate that the area is experiencing several   Cell: (+27) 73 080 5786

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