Page 26 - Blue Valley_Issue 3_2022
P. 26
Three ways Dingo is flipping the traditional approach to conservation – with results
“It doesn’t matter how noble or noteworthy your conservation message is, if 2. CREATING A CONNECTION
nobody is hearing it, it will make no difference to our natural world.” “Conservation for me is all about one thing:
– DINGO DINKELMAN building a connection between animals
and people. If you can get a person to build
a meaningful connection with an animal,
nown as South Africa’s ‘Steve Irwin’, Dingo efforts in the country. He believes this has whether it’s through an online experience,
Dinkelman has fast become a household been achieved by adopting three strategies. a show or a live encounter, you can basically
Kname on the global conservation guarantee the security of animals whenever
platform through his daring wildlife videos, 1. LEVERAGING ENTERTAINMENT that person is involved going forward,” says
death-defying escapades and love for all “We live in a fast-paced world where whatever Dingo.
wildlife. Dingo supports all conservation is the loudest, flashiest or most entertaining will
efforts worldwide, and he believes there get the attention of the general public,” explains “That’s why everything I do – every video,
needs to be a fundamental shift in tactics Dingo. Empowered with this knowledge, he every series, every interview, every public
right now if there’s any hope of saving the and his team have created captivating wildlife demonstration, every training session – is all
natural world. videos through the Dingo Dinkelman YouTube about bringing people to a place where they
channel, gaining millions of views and amassing will see these animals in a different light and
“Our traditional methods of conservation – more than 400 000 followers around the globe. where a connection can be built.”
being scared of making a mistake and being
slow to act – are basically drowning in an “More than 75 million people have viewed our 3. COLLABORATION
ocean of online streaming chaos,” explains the videos over the last three years. The majority of Dingo understands that no real impact can
KwaZulu-Natal-based conservationist. “Simply comments we have received from these viewers be made in conservation without drawing on
put, we will not save our animals nor the are along the lines of ‘I once hated snakes; now the existing pool of knowledge and resources
incredible ecosystems within which they live if I respect them’ or ‘I once thought the only good while working towards a common goal.
we merely sit and spectate while they go over snake was a dead one, but now I save them and
the precipice of extinction.” don’t kill them’. This is what we’re looking to “True conservation can only be achieved by
achieve – converting the unconverted. There’s a collaboration of wildlife individuals and
Since 2017, Dingo and his team have gained no point adopting an approach that caters to entities that recognise they all have a unique
a massive international following and those with an affinity for the natural world; we and recognised role to play,” he continues. “A
generated funds for numerous conservation need to be bringing in a whole new audience.” good example is the collaboration we have
24 • Issue 3 2022 • BLUE VALLEY NEWS