Page 27 - Blue Valley_Issue 3_2022
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with Toyota South Africa, which fully supports Through his ongoing wildlife videos, talks
our conservation initiatives. We need and demonstrations, Dingo is seeing results.
companies, individuals, conservationists, the However, he feels that so much more needs
media . . . everyone to come together if we are to be done to make any meaningful impact.
really going to make a significant difference to
our planet.” “I need these animals and our conservation
message to cut through the chaos of people’s
“The danger comes in when people establish modern-day life,” says Dingo. “To reach people
themselves as self-appointed authorities on who right now couldn’t give a hoot about
conservation in Africa. I fear they will one day sharks or lions or crocodiles or rhinos or
look back and be haunted by how small their snakes. People who are so consumed with
impact really was. The time for stiff-necked their everyday lives that unless it’s flashy,
conservationists, who see their method as the entertaining and in their faces, they will never
only way to create change, is over. Our natural give our wildlife and wild places a second
world can only be saved if everyone comes thought. That is who I am trying to reach. That
together to make the difference that only we, is how I can make a difference, and that is why
as a collective, can make.” we do everything we do.”
To check out Dingo’s videos and adventures, follow ‘Dingo Dinkelman’ on Facebook and
Instagram. Dingo Dinkelman is proudly sponsored by Toyota.
BLUE VALLEY NEWS • Issue 3 2022• 25