Page 22 - Blue Valley Issue 4_2022
P. 22


                                   TEEN STRUGGLES AND

                             WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP

                                        BY NICOLEEN DAVIES, DIRECTOR:
                                                  LIFE TALK FORUM

               e tend to parent our children   is real and what is fiction. A related component   #2: BULLYING
               instinctively, according to the way we   is their lack of people skills – often, adolescents   We all know how prevalent bullying is in our
         Wwere brought up – or if our upbringing   have not sufficiently or fully developed their   schools. Social media makes it so much easier
         wasn’t positive, we’ll parent them in the exact   interpersonal and communication skills and   to traumatise children because it is always there,
         opposite manner. Still, like everything else,   filters, so they fail to pick up on social cues.  24/7. Talk to your teen about bullying and keep
         parenting is a constantly evolving experience.                         an eye out for signs that they may be victims of
         The old ways don’t work anymore because the   Therefore, while social media is a great way for   bullying. Signs include withdrawing from their
         world is such a different place from what it was   people to connect, it is also an easy platform for   daily activities or extramurals, changes in their
         when we grew up.                    your teenager to become a target of bullying,   eating and sleeping patterns, and emotional
                                             hate speech and so-called “slut shaming”. It can   outbursts. Never ignore changing behaviour in
         We owe it to our children to be aware of their   also expose them to inappropriate content, be it   your teenager; being proactive is the only way
         struggles. We need to educate ourselves about   of a sexual or violent nature.  to deal with it before it is too late.
         the contemporary issues affecting them, so that
         we can help them to better navigate through   As a parent, you need to help educate your   #3: DEPRESSION
         the difficult, transformative teenage years. Here   child about this virtual space and its perils   According  to  the  World Health  Organisation,
         are a few of the challenges that adolescents   and protect them as much as you would in   depression is the leading cause of ill health and
         grapple with:                       any other environment. By helping them learn   disability worldwide. More than 300 million
                                             how to navigate social media in a safe way,   people live with depression, and this is a
         #1: TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL           you’ll arm them with the tools they need to   growing phenomenon. According to the South
         MEDIA                               protect themselves. Keep yourself informed and   African  Depression  and  Anxiety  Group,  in  an
         Technology is constantly changing and even   stay abreast of social media trends (the latest   urban  setting,  the  prevalence  of  depression  is
         though it is a way of life for our children – indeed,   websites, apps, platforms etc.), communicate   estimated to be 25.2% and girls are at higher risk
         it has become an extension of themselves –   with your teen and know what they are doing   of becoming depressed.
         it brings its own evolving challenges.  They   online. It will take effort on your part, but this
         consume media differently from the way we do,   is the world your child is living in, and you need   Time spent on devices is isolating and is time not
         and it is changing how they meet people, learn,   to have a good grasp of what’s going on in that   being spent on the sports ground or interacting
         communicate, date, shop and even live life in   space.                 face-to-face with people. Being active through
         terms of exercise and eating. It can alter their                       exercising or socialising, laughing and engaging
         expectations, too. That’s because social media   Start by limiting  your child’s screen time at a   with others, helps to ward off depression and
         influencers drive trends and behaviour.   young age, so you can create healthy online   releases healthy endorphins.
                                             habits for them going forward. Adolescents
         It’s important for parents to understand that   need to know that there is a time and a place   #4: OBESITY
         your  teens  and  young  adults  become  caught   for everything, and that downtime – going off   Obesity is the fastest-growing disease in South
         up  in  this  virtual  world,  and  it becomes   social media – is just as important as sleeping   Africa. Currently, one in eight children are obese,
         increasingly difficult for them to discern what   and eating.          and by 2030, the statistic is expected to be one

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