Page 23 - Boardwalk_Issue 3_2022
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          weighs about 1.25kg and has a      Nevertheless, South Africa won the   which take place in March.
          diameter of 25cm. The bells help to  test series.
          orientate the player in the direction                                 Currently, the Western Cape is
          of the oncoming ball.              In the 1980s, the USA participated   one of the most active provinces
                                             in the South African national      for goalball with seven clubs:
          In addition to the three players   championships and won gold.        Athlone School for the Blind; Eerste
          on each team, a maximum of                                            River Goalball Club; Gugulethu
          three players are allowed on the   In 1986, a triangular series was   United Goalball Club; Hein Wagner
          bench as substitutes. A game is    held between South Africa,         Academy; Maties ParaSport; Pioneer
          usually divided into two halves of   Namibia and the USA. The USA     School for the Visually Impaired;
          12 minutes each. To ensure that    won and South Africa came second.   and Worcester Goalball Club.
          players can hear everything that   Apartheid meant South Africa was
          is going on and properly absorb    excluded from participating in     FINANCES
          the intensity of the atmosphere,   any further international goalball   As with most minority sports,
          spectators must be silent during   tournaments.                       funding is a problem – more so
                                                                                for disabled athletes. Most of
          play.                              After the country’s successful     them only get a government
                                             transition to democracy, it was    disability grant and struggle to
          HISTORY OF GOALBALL IN             allowed to participate in the 1998   find employment due to prejudice.
          SOUTH AFRICA                       World Championships in Madrid.     Money is scarce, making transport
          In South Africa, goalball is managed  South Africa was represented by   and sports equipment an expensive
          by the South African Sports        Johan Schroeder, Danie Coetzee,    outlay.
          Association for the Physically     Leon van der Merwe and Lawrence
          Disabled (SASAPD).                 Ratfin. We came fifth out of 16    Goalball players need protective
                                             teams.                             gear to play. Costs for this can
          The game was introduced to                                            range from R100 for knee and
          the country in 1977. In 1980,      In 2000, the national team toured   elbow pads to R1 300 for padded
          South Africa undertook its first   Great Britain and played against   pants, shirts or eye shades. The ball
          international tour to Great Britain,   regional and club teams.       itself costs about R1 500, excluding
          but was excluded from the          Our last international appearance   shipping fees – and it can only be
          Paralympics that year because of   was in July 2007 at the African    imported at the moment.
          its apartheid policies. In 1981 a   Championships. The tournament     A FUN, STIMULATING SPORT
          national team was selected, but    was won by Algeria and South       Goalball is a rewarding game that
          their tour was cancelled. Instead,   Africa came fourth.              challenges mind and body. Players
          players from six provinces took                                       have to use their senses and have to
          part in the national championships:   In December 2018, IBSA and Maties   be fit as this sport gives them a full-
          Western Province (now Cape         ParaSport (Stellenbosch University)   body workout. It’s also lots of fun!
          Metro), Boland (now Cape           held a successful Goalball Clinic for
          Winelands), Northern Transvaal     the first time in Southern Africa.   Why not sign up: organisers are
          and South Transvaal (now also part   Players, coaches and referees from   always looking for volunteers and
          of Gauteng), West Transvaal (now   South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana    people who want to get involved as
          North West) and Free State.        attended. It paved the way for the   helpers and/or officials.
                                             continent’s increased participation
          In 1982, South Africa could not    in international tournaments.      For further information, contact the
          participate in the World Games                                        SASAPD at Or,
          as there were problems with        Currently, goalball is played in eight   contact Wentzel Barnard at Maties
          processing the players’ visas. In   of South Africa’s nine provinces.   ParaSport by emailing him on
          1984, the team toured Israel, which  There is only one inter-provincial or calling him on
          was a formidable force in goalball.   tournament: at the national games,  083 278 5123.

                                2022 NATIONAL GAMES (MEDAL WINNERS)

                MEDALS        JUNIOR LADIES         JUNIOR MEN           SENIOR LADIES         SENIOR MEN
                BRONZE        No bronze medal       Limpopo              Northern Cape         Eastern Cape

                SILVER        Gauteng               Gauteng              Eastern Cape          Western Cape

                GOLD          Free State            Free State           Free State            Limpopo

                                        Boardwalk Meander Estate     Issue 3 · 2022
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