Page 6 - Boardwalk Meander_Issue_4_2022
P. 6


                    FROM THE ESTATE MANAGER

         Dear residents                     What does inspiration mean?         1. Observe your surroundings
                                            Inspiration is defined as:          Opportunities to become inspired
         This year has gone by so fast, and so   •  “The process of being       are happening all the time; you just
         much has happened. As I mentioned       mentally stimulated to do or   need to be aware of them. So, try
         in the previous Stoeptalk, all of you   feel something, especially     observing your surroundings instead
         will receive my report on the status    something creative” (Source:   of texting with your friend on the
         of the estate, projects completed        phone or checking Facebook. Look
         and future projects.               •    “A feeling of enthusiasm       around, watch what other people
                                                 you get from someone or        are doing, and get involved.
         Firstly, I would like to take this      something, which gives you
         opportunity to thank the following:     new and creative ideas”        2. Tap into your emotions
         •    All the residents, for their       (Source: Collinsdictionary.    You’ll also need to tap into your
              support of management and          com)                           emotions about how you see things
              our efforts to keep the estate  •  “An inspiring or animating     happening. If something makes you
              world class.                       action or influence” (Source:  feel good, motivated and inspired,
         •    Our service providers, for their                then do it.
              excellent commitment and      •    “A divine influence or action
              service.                           on a person believed to        3. Act
         •    Office ladies René and             qualify him or her to receive  The moment you feel inspired, act
              Jolanda, for their hard work       and communicate sacred         immediately. Don’t wait a minute, a
              and loyalty.                       revelation” (Source: Merriam-  day or a week to get started. If you
         •    Cleaning lady Theorine, for                   feel inspired to learn something,
              her hard work.                •    “The excitement of the mind    sign up for a class right away. Email
         •    Our maintenance man, David,        or emotions to a high level of  someone who can help you get
              for giving of his best.            feeling or activity” (Source:  started if you feel inspired to do
         And congratulations to the Board
         of Directors, who were appointed   We are all inspired by different    4. Start small
         to run for another term. Without   things and in different ways. Yet,   If you’re just starting to tap into your
         their time, effort, support and    inspiration is all around you and can   inspiration, start small. Mahatma
         commitment, this estate would not   appear at a moment’s notice.       Gandhi and Mother Teresa didn’t
         look so beautiful and be so well kept.                                 change the world in a day. They
                                            How to discover inspiration         made small changes and slowly built
         I found the following article about   Now, to help you discover your   on them.
         inspiration after doing a search   inspiration, we’ve broken things
         online. It is published by the website   down into these five easy-to-follow   5. Keep it up                  steps:                              Inspiration looks and feels a little

                                       Boardwalk Meander Estate     Issue 4 · 2022
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