Page 23 - Boardwalk Issue 4 November 2024
P. 23
iven half a chance we have all The point is, most managers struggle and wait’ system. Those that scheduled
complained about our appointed with the requirement to juggle their time with me got a much better interac-
Gleaders at some point or another. own work, manage others' work, ensure tion with me than those that didn't.
Most of us have had a boss like Miran- everyone has work to do, ensure that
da in The Devil Wears Prada, who talks payments are coming in, that clients Equally, my boss averaged 950 unread
more than she listens, whose body lan- are happy, that everyone has resourc- emails – emailing him was pointless. If
guage says "I have no interest in you", es, and that their own boss is satis¬- I needed anything from him I would pop
whose words say "You aren't worth my fied. Most bosses try to buffer their into his office for a chat. If I had stuck
time", whose actions say "Please bore teams from this kind of stress and to my emailing preference we would
someone else with your questions". other vulnerabilities. have gone nowhere.
Indeed, some of us have been on the
receiving end at some point! So when you next think your boss is a MANAGE YOURSELF
monster, there may be value in putting Irrespective of how your boss manages,
I hear a recurring theme around what yourself in her shoes to see the world you need to work with your boss! So
bosses should do: make more time to from her perspective - which may high- unless you are planning to resign as a
listen, develop staff better, transfer light that she is fallible, vulnerable and result of your boss, you could consider
skills, share more information, engage human. When we seek the humanity in managing yourself. I hear many employ-
the team's ideas, inspire their staff, each other, so much of the ugly stuff ees say that their boss hasn't clari¬fied
have their back. There is no doubt in gets wiped away. where they are going in the company
my mind that, YES, bosses should be – I always ask whether the employee
doing all of these things, and in an MANAGE UPWARDS has articulated her goals! The people
ideal world probably would. Your boss is invariably managing more I always invested effort in were those
people than just you - she may need that came to me with clear goals and
But this is not an ideal world and chameleon-like skills if she wants to get thoughts on how to get there. Anyone
bosses are not perfect - I say that as it right all the time! You, on the other who wanted a meeting with me but
someone who has been an imperfect hand, probably only have to understand hadn't thought about possible solutions
boss and who has had to survive an im- one person, your boss, to effectively for themselves, didn't generally get very
perfect boss. So here are three things communicate with her. far.
I hope will make you more resilient to If you are not sure, ask your
your boss' imperfections, and give you boss how she prefers to com- Next time you want something, go to
insights into the reality of being the municate and then manage your boss prepared: what do you want?
person in charge. upwards. What do I mean? Back when how do you plan to get it? what support
I managed a team of 30, my office was do you need? Make it easy for your
BOSSES ARE HUMANS TOO like a train station and I often joked boss to help you. It’s more likely you
From personal experience, managers about needing a ticket- will get her support.
tend to be promoted because, amongst ing system instead
other things, they exhibit technical com- of having people Give the above strategies a try,
petence, deliver the goods, have drive milling around at but if none of them makes a
and determination, and show initiative. my door expect- difference, then be clear with
But generally, these technical skills ing instant yourself on knowing when it
and attributes fall short in managing attention. is time to resign from your
people. Eventually I boss!
Even the best managers are often just implemented
doing the best they know how and an electronic Note: This article is in
‘winging it’. When the ‘best you know calendar no way intended to
how’ is modelled on the ‘best someone scheduling absolve bosses from
else knew how’, we repeat the same system as their responsibili-
mistakes. Rarely are managers inten- a replace- ties!
tionally damaging. Most often they ment for
don't realise the damage done by a the ‘stand
careless word or action. at my door
Boardwalk Meander Estate Issue 4 · 2024
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 2 • 2024