Page 17 - Issue 5 Cornwall Hill
P. 17


                                                                                               HEALTH & WELLNESS

                        LUCAS LÖTTER

                        HAS THE RIGHT STUFF

                                                By Nicole Zerwick   Image by Ivan Muller

                           o say I learnt a lot over   and immediately administer treatment with   •  Reagents and primers are added to
                           coffee – my first for the   medication on hand, a brilliant idea that has   the extracted sample. Primers are used
                           morning, but already   caught the attention of various role players   to target the virus’ genetic code to see if
                           Lucas’ third – is an   in the field. They have won awards and   it is present in the test subject’s sample.
                           understatement. I met   recognition, amongst which are:  Depending on the reagent kit used and
                Twith this young Cornwall         •  Winner of the GAP BioSciences   the testing unit of the laboratory, the
                Hill Estate resident and ex-Cornwall Hill   Competition 2017;       analysis of the sample can take one to
                College boy with the view to finding out   •  Secured a TIA grant from the Savant   three hours.
                more about Covid-19 testing: to follow   Technology incubator 2017;
                the trail, as it were, from sample taking   •  Represented South Africa at Collision   During the process of amplification, the
                until the positive or negative result. I   2018 in New Orleans with a prototype   sample is exposed to laser light and the
                came away with so much more than I   of the device and engaged with the   presence (or absence) of the virus RNA
                bargained for.                    Canadian Red Cross;               can be detected due to light emission of
                                                  •  Work performed with the Red Cross and   certain reporter chemical molecules.
                Lucas is a scientist, or more accurately, a   the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation;
                biotechnologist from Rhodes University,   •  Partnership with Netcare Hospital Group   Thus just the testing, excluding sampling
                having worked on stem cell research,   through Founders Factory Africa.  and reporting by a pathologist, takes a
                cancer studies and IoT tech development.                            minimum of eight hours of labour if all
                He is also an entrepreneur who strives   The dark Covid-19 cloud hanging over   goes absolutely to plan.  Lucas tells me it
                to advance molecular diagnostics, assist   the world had a silver lining for Akili Labs.   often does not. There is a lot of trouble-
                South African companies to garner   Their simplified testing methods using   shooting and tweaking in a test run and in
                greater global exposure and aspires   the Akili Mdx meant they could perform   the case of inconclusive results, the tests
                to – one day – lecture and mentor. He is   a test in just 20 minutes at a reduced cost,   will need to be re-run. Even simple things
                also passionate about connecting other   compared to traditional testing. I was   like throat sprays or mouthwash used by
                young business people with the correct   amazed at the time Lucas quoted when I   the test subject can mess up the results,
                structures, investors and programmes to   considered that one hears of test results   and all this accounts for why test results
                grow their ideas into viable businesses.   taking 24 to 48 hours to be available to   take so long to receive and why the tests
                He met business partner Charles Faul at   patients. He quickly set me right…the   are expensive to run.
                Rhodes. Charles, too, is a biotechnologist   actual test is a very small part of a long and
                with a background in software     thorough procedure. To understand the   Akili Labs have been involved with
                development.                      testing, one must know that the Corona   Covid-19 testing where time was of the
                                                  virus is an RNA virus, which means it is   essence for passengers on repatriation
                In 2017 the two founded Akili Labs, an   not based not on DNA, but on a closely   flights, and emergency testing of business
                innovative biotechnology company that is   related molecule, RNA. To detect the virus,   travellers. They are currently part of
                pioneering molecular diagnostics through   tests must detect the RNA that is unique   the multi-disciplinary team involved in
                innovative products. In 2018 the company   to this virus, purify it then convert it into   clinical trials for Covid-19 therapy,using
                became international with the addition   cDNA (Reverse Transcription of RT-PCR)   novel stem cell based treatment where
                of business partner Dr Farhan Pervaiz of   and then amplify that DNA (essentially,   small particles are fed through a patient’s
                Baltimore, Maryland.              making copies of it) via a process called   ventilator into the lungs to calm the
                                                  PCR (polymerase chain reaction). The   inflammatory response that leads to ARDS
                To make healthcare more accessible   purification and amplification require   (advanced respiratory distress syndrome)
                to people that historically and   various chemicals, all of which are   and lung damage that can ultimately kill
                geographically have not had access to   collectively known as reagents, and are   the patient.
                reliable diagnostics and therefore do   sold to laboratories in “kits”.
                not receive adequate treatment, they                                Where to from here, I ask? The next
                designed a field diagnostic device, the   A typical testing procedure is thus:  step, Lucas responds, is to get funds
                Akili Mdx, that could quickly test for   •  A sample of genetic material is taken   for prototypes to go into clinical
                pathogens such as HIV, Influenza and   from the nose or throat by a registered   testing. He mentions huge amounts
                SARS-Cov2 (aka Covid-19) at a genetic   nurse using a cotton or polyester swab.  of money, but seems confident that
                level and accurately make a diagnosis.   •  The sample is sealed in a viral transport   through partnerships, grants and fund
                The Akili Mdx is a game changer for   medium and sent to the laboratory for   raising, it is an achievable goal. I think
                healthcare workers and nurses working   testing.                    he is right. From a Grade 5 child who
                among rural populations in Africa and   •  The sample is received at the lab, logged   competed with the school tuckshop for
                elsewhere in the world, where doctors   and labelled.               cold drink sales by filling his school bag
                are very few in number and often very   •  The sample is then moved to the   with ice and drinks, to a bright young
                far away from patients. Now community   extraction room, one of the most   entrepreneur with a dream to leave a
                healthcare workers and nurses can easily   important steps, where the RNA is   legacy beyond money, I think Lucas
                and accurately test patients in the field   extracted/purified.     Lötter has the right stuff.

                                                                                                Cornwall View • Issue 5 2020  15
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