Page 20 - Issue 5 Cornwall Hill
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            HOW TO RAISE


                    esilience is the ability to
                    bounce back from stress,
                    challenge, tragedy, trauma
            Ror adversity. In South Africa,
            we’ve had to face many hardships and
            adversity in the past. These include
            load shedding, floods, droughts, crime,
            poverty, and many more. Covid-19
            brought about new challenges and has
            been described as the most devastating
            crisis we’ve had to face so far.
            IMPACT OF COVID-19
            As parents, we are faced with risk factors
            like financial losses, health concerns,
            and restriction of our movements,
            which all lead to our own anxieties
            getting out of control. During these
            times of stress, the body goes through
            many changes to assist us to be faster,
            stronger, and more alert. Our heart rate
            and breathing increase, blood pressure
            goes up, and adrenaline and cortisol are
            released throughout the body. In the
            short term, these changes are necessary
            and important for survival. When the
            stress is ongoing (like a pandemic), the
            physiological changes stay switched on,
            and cortisol levels remain high. Over
            an extended period, this can weaken
            the immune system, the body, and
            the brain. It affects our ability to pay
            attention, solve problems, and regulate
            our emotions.
            Resilience is related to the capacity
            to strengthen our health and activate
            the parts of our brain that we need to
            perform at our best. It has been said to
            reverse the physiological changes and
            expand the capacity to recover from,
            adapt to, or find a solution to stress or

            How do we reduce the effects of     genetically inherited. We can teach our   When children are resilient, they are braver,
            significant adversity on our children’s   children to be resilient. Strengthening them   more curious, more adaptable, and more
            healthy development? Helping children   to become physically and emotionally   able to extend their reach into the world.
            to thrive and become healthy human   healthy human beings is about nurturing   They have different levels of resilience and
            beings is not about clearing adversity out   within them the strategies to deal with   might become withdrawn or act out when
            of their way. Small amounts of stress are   adversity. Here are a few suggestions to   the demands put upon them outweigh
            necessary for the development of skills   foster resilience in children:  their capacity to cope. Worried about
            needed to flourish. We should rather   • Let them know they are loved   your child’s capacity to cope during this
            focus on handling our own anxieties and   unconditionally.              highly stressful time? Then rather seek
            be conscious of how we speak around   • Build their problem-solving skills.   professional help from a psychologist
            our children. They learn by example, and   • Let them face their fears (but with support),   to give yourself and them the necessary
            showing them how we manage stress and   make mistakes, and learn from them.  support.
            adversity, will teach them how to handle   • Build their self-esteem.
            their own anxieties.                • Cultivate empathy.                  For further information, please contact
                                                • Accept them for who they are.       Corneli Oosthuizen Educational
            HOW CAN I HELP MY CHILD             • Identify their strengths.           Psychologist on 082 920 6917
            BECOME MORE RESILIENT?              • Encourage a regular mindfulness practice.  Email:
            Resilience can be learned and is not   •Nurture optimism.                 Website :
         18  Cornwall View • Issue 5 2020
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