Page 15 - Cornwall 1 2021
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y association with Cornwall Hill Estate goes back to Johannesburg, the redevelopment of Silverstar Casino on
M1998. Having bought a stand, we started construction the west rand, the redevelopment of Hemingways in East
in 2002 and moved in, in 2003. Our main attractions to this London, Emnotweni in Nelspruit, the Ridge in Witbank,
estate were the community, security, the school and the Golden Horse in Pietermaritzburg and most recently, the
proximity to the national road network. Earlier on in my R1.6 billion redevelopment of Suncoast in Durban.
career, I did a fair amount of travelling. With the World Cup in
2010 and the major upgrades to our national transportation Now that I serve on the board of the estate and have been
networks, travelling on the R21 in particular became a norm. tasked with the responsibility to oversee our finances, my
To this day, I marvel at our national road infrastructure. vision is to build a financially sustainable estate. The next six
months will see a major focus on reducing our debtor’s book.
I have spent three decades in the built environment. My For us to enjoy the benefits of what this estate has to offer, we
entry point to this industry was a mandate to purchase all have an obligation to pay our levies. We must drive past the
Cosatu’s first building. From there on, I joined Intersite and estate staff, our gardeners and maintenance staff, controllers,
got involved in retail developments around railway stations the security personnel and our management team in the full
on behalf of the South African Rail Commuter Corporation. knowledge that their salaries will be paid. As the year starts
This was followed by a move to Southern Sun, then Tsogo we will intensify our efforts to recover outstanding levies.
Sun, culminating in my appointment as Group Development Timeous payment of levies will ensure that our estate moves
Director. I also had a short stint at the V&A Waterfront as from survival mode to financial sustainability.
Deputy Managing Director. I have served on a number of
boards of both listed and unlisted companies. The projects In conclusion, for most of us residents, our homes represent
at Tsogo have ranged from stand-alone hotel developments our single biggest investment. Ensuring a financially
in South Africa and on the continent (Maputo, Zambia, sustainable, functioning, secure, and enjoyable estate
Nigeria and Seychelles) to the design, development and for generations to come must therefore be our number
management of mega projects such as Montecasino in one priority. To make this a reality, each one of us has a
Fourways, the redevelopment of Gold Reef City south of responsibility to pay our levies, #leviesmustbepaid.
Cornwall View • Issue 1 2021 13