Page 18 - Cornwall 3 2021
P. 18


        it often. It is really good. Her father   an Afrikaans family but, in common   roast chicken, as was traditional on a
        particularly liked game meat and this   with most South African families, she   Sunday.
        would be prepared with ground roasted   says they have a dash of everything:
        peanuts and peanut butter. Her mom   Dutch, German, Scottish, French,   Both Helena and her husband are
        was a home economics teacher early in   Indian, Malay and Scandinavian, even   from big families of five children each
        her life and this influenced her cooking   a great-great grandmother from Mali.   and they, in turn, have five children.
        and the wide variety of dishes the   As a child she loved the traditional   There are always a lot of people at their
        family ate, with an emphasis on beans   “rys, vleis and aartappels” (rice, meat   house and there is always something
        and fresh seasonal vegetables such as   and potatoes) with boere boontjies   to celebrate with good food, like
        okra, pumpkin leaves, sweet potato   (stewed beans with onion and potato)   her grandmother’s divine chocolate
        leaves, bean leaf, sweet potatoes and   after church on a Sunday. Even now,   cake baked by her mom for us on the
        pumpkins. Fresh and dried bream fish   like Pavlov’s dog, if she hears her   morning. Even though the family still
        was bought at the market in Lusaka or at   mother’s favourite Mozart flute and   loves traditional Afrikaans food, the
        supermarkets in Harare and cooked in a   harp concerto, her mouth starts   way they eat and what they eat has
        thick sauce. Mopani worms featured on   watering for a roast leg of lamb or   changed over the years. Nowadays they
        their menu too. Starch served typically
        was sadza (pap) made either from       HELENA'S FAVOURITE TRADITIONAL
        maize, pearl millet or finger millet, rice or
        potatoes.                              RECIPE: OXTAIL STEW
        Tabitha has continued to cook traditional   Best served with stewed dried fruit and a salad with home-made vinaigrette.
        meals for her family. She prepares what   Serves 6
        she laughingly calls “road runner” or hard   Ingredients:
        chicken at least once a week and often   • 1.5 kg oxtail, jointed and trimmed of excess fat
        pairs this with stewed pumpkin leaves   • Salt and pepper to taste
        with some pumpkin flowers chopped in   • 2-3 tins of tomato and onion relish
        for colour. Hard chicken is from fowls or   • Olive oil
        range chicken that have lived longer and   • 125-250 ml red wine
        are thus more flavourful, but chewier   • 10 ml bistro
        and thus require longer cooking than   • 10-15 ml brown sugar
        supermarket chickens. For special events
        she often prepares Guru, or tripe.
        Our hostess for the day, Helena Bothma,   - Pour 15 ml olive oil into an ovenproof pot (a clay or iron pot works well).
        was born at a missionary hospital in   - Put oxtail pieces in the pot and pour more oil over the meat (about 20ml).
        Dennilton, Mpumalanga. Her family      - Add salt and pepper.
        moved to Pretoria when she was only    - Mix the relish, bistro, sugar and wine together and pour over the meat.
        a few months old and almost 50 years   - Bake in the oven for 1 hour at 200°C. Reduce the heat to100°C and bake
        later she is still a proud Pretorian and has   overnight or for 7 hours.
        lived in Cornwall Hill Estate since 2002,   - Let the meat cool down and spoon off all excess oil.
        having moved in just after her second   - Reheat to serve.
        child was born. Helena comes from
    18  Cornwall View • Issue 3 2021
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