Page 20 - Cornwall 3 2021
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        eat less carbohydrates with meals and   based foods coming from the produce of   and three children have called Cornwall
        in summer, meals are often a loaded   her parents’ garden -   mealies, boiled or   Hill Estate home since moving into their
        salad. This is a base of salad leaves   roasted, yams, sweet potatoes and nuts   newly built home in 2014.
        topped generously with a selection of fruit,   and curries with rotis or rice. She shared a
        vegetables, nuts, cheese, eggs, chicken, fish   delicious traditional curry with eggs and   There is a theme running though our
        or meat. During lockdown the family had   a selection of home-made samoosas with   discussions and it comes up again in
        the time to start paying more attention to   the ladies on the morning. If you have   Bongi’s reminiscences of her childhood
        their orchard and vegetable garden and   never tried a freshly made samosa with a   foods. Meals were based on fresh,
        now all meals are planned around what   steaming cup of tea, you are missing out!  home-grown vegetables like madumbi,
        is in season, and ripe, in the garden.                                   spinach and sweet potatoes, with beans
                                             Nowadays, with the smaller garden   and some animal protein like beef or
        Nnyambeni Golele is a Venda. Originally   spaces and time constraints, Dolly says   chicken, but not a lot, Bongi emphasises.
        from Limpopo, she and her husband and   the family does enjoy the convenience of   Domestic animals were raised at home
        their family of four children have called   take-away food, but the focus of family   and once slaughtered, the whole animal
        Cornwall Hill Estate home since building   meals is still on wholesome, home-  was processed for food and other uses
        their home on a hectare stand in 2005.   cooked food. Meals are served with a lot   around the house. Vegetables were the
                                             of salads and fruit and she has become   base of most dishes. Nowadays her own
        She recalls the food of her childhood   accustomed to using shop-bought fruits   family still eats a lot of traditional food,
        in Limpopo being based largely on    and vegetables.                     although her children do like “new food”
        the vegetables that the family grew                                      and take-aways occasionally. When
        in their garden, a variety of beans and   Avid golfer and member of Irene   she has time, Bongi makes dombolo,
        nuts, and the ubiquitous hard chicken,   Country Club, Bongi Shabalala was   steamed bread or dumplings, a family
        with fresh fish from the all-season river   persuaded to put down her golf clubs for   favourite. She had prepared dombolo
        running near their home. Her secondary   a few hours before flying to George to   with white beans in a savoury mince
        schooling was in a Catholic boarding   represent Northern Gauteng in a golfing   stew to share with us and it was a hit. I
        school which she says, with emphasis,   tournament, and joined us representing   helped myself twice from the bowls and
        was nothing like home, but she values   the Zulu culture. Bongi, her husband   noticed that I was not the only one!
        that it taught her to be independent.
        After school she went on to complete
        her teaching degree before joining the   DOLLY’S CHICKEN PILAU
        National Research Council.
                                                Cooking time 45 minutes
        Nnyambeni cooks all her traditional     Serves 4 to 6
        favourites for her children and now for
        her first grandchild. She tells us that this   Ingredients
        little one can be a fussy eater but needs   • 750 ml rice of your choice
        no persuasion when offered delele, a
        northern South African dish made from   • 1large onion
        the fruit of the plant with the same    • 250g margarine or butter
        name, which is similar to okra. Bright   • 3 cardamom seeds
        green with a slimy texture, she warned   • 10ml coriander powder
        us it was an acquired taste but upon    • 2 sticks cinnamon
        tasting the dish, we gave it both thumbs   • 10ml crushed ginger and garlic
        up. It was delicious. She sources many   • 10ml fennel powder
        of her traditional vegetables from the   • 10ml cumin powder
        Lyttelton Housewives Market and those   • 3 cloves
        that she cannot get there she grows     • 6 green chillies
        herself in her vegetable garden, such as   • 1 chicken cut into portions and washed
        Gushe, or Jew’s Mallow leaves, which is   • salt to taste
        cooked into a tasty stew with onions and   • 300ml peas
        tomato. Many of her meals are based     • Parboil rice, drain water and set aside.
        on various beans - black, speckled and
        kidney beans – with samp and peanuts,   Method
        ground up in her coffee grinder, served   - Melt margarine or butter in a large pot and add sliced onions and sauté
        alongside chicken which she buys from
        a farm near Cullinan. A common theme    until opaque.
        of the morning was that hard chickens   - Add the spices and mix well together.
        have a far superior taste but because   - Add the chicken pieces and cook on low heat until the chicken is done.
        they must cook for so long, they are not   -  You may need to add a little water to ensure your chicken and spices do
        particularly kind on the electricity meter!   not catch and burn.
        The consensus was that it makes sense to   - Add peas and cook for another 5 mins.
        cook in bulk and freeze portions.       - Add the boiled rice to the chicken and carefully stir the mixture till the
                                                rice and chicken are evenly distributed.
        Dolly Naidoo is a relatively new resident,   - Garnish with sprigs of mint and steam on moderate heat for 10 mins.
        having moved into the estate with her   - Serve with cucumber in plain yoghurt, salads, chutney and pickles of your
        daughter Samantha and her family in May   choice.
        2019. Originally from Stanger, KwaZulu   - A special touch to add flavour is to add air-fried potato cubes and extra
        Natal, she was born on a farm into a large
        family of 11 children. Dolly reminisces   fried onions on top of the pilau.
        that as children they ate a lot of plant-
   20  Cornwall View • Issue 3 2021
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