Page 17 - Cornwall issue 1 2022
P. 17
ooking and food has always I sold a few breads over the next few
been a passion of mine weeks, using the equipment we had
and it started from a fairly at home and the next thing I know,
Cyoung age. From what I can my father-in-law arrived home with a
recall (at my ripe old age of 32), I think huge industrial mixer. I was so excited
my earliest memories were simply and overwhelmed all at the same time.
cooking breakfast for my family on the I put together an advert with pictures
weekend. Somewhere around grade of my breads and advertised again on
6 or 7, I recall having a Life Sciences our estate WhatsApp groups as well
project at school that required us to as the Facebook page. That weekend I
make a home cooking video, where I received about 30 orders and the first
naturally went all out and made a three bulk order baking session was planned
course meal on video, while most of the for Friday evening. It was a highly
kids in the class were making muffins or stressful flop to say the least, as I was
pancakes. suddenly trying to produce 30 breads
when I had usually only made four
I was never that great at ball sports, or five at a time. My first six batches
I somewhat lacked the hand/eye of dough didn’t rise properly but I
coordination to catch pretty much persevered, putting them in the oven
anything, which is maybe why I ended up to see if they would rise, but out came
riding horses and show jumping, which is 12 “pancakes”. I threw in the towel and breads as possible on the weekend.
how I met my wife, Angelique. So, while went to bed. Waking up at 03:00 the
many of my friends were watching cricket next morning, I was determined to get Our current maximum order within the
or rugby on TV, I can remember spending my orders out and, albeit a bit later in estate was for 84 breads which took
my weekend watching Ready Steady the day than anticipated, managed to about three hours to deliver. Through
Cook on BBC Food or BBC Lifestyle complete all the deliveries. the requests of residents, I have also
(whatever they call it these days). An expanded the menu to add an olive
early teenage classic of mine was a Over the last 18 months, the support ciabatta as well as two different rye
dessert that I watched Ainsley Harriot from our Cornwall community has breads. Unfortunately, gluten-free
make - an excellent Pavlova Swiss Roll been amazing. I have some regulars breads are a bit beyond me due to my
which accompanied my family to many who order every weekend and some lack of technical training and are a bit
dinner parties. occasional clients who order for more complicated to mass produce.
special occasions. I was fortunate
My passion for cooking grew during enough to get an order for 16 breads I am uncertain of where things are going
my high school years and I often made for a wedding a couple of weeks ago. to lead to in the future, but it has certainly
dinner at home, experimenting with Naturally I have figured out everything been a very exciting ride thus far.
various Italian and Asian dishes. I have to that I was doing incorrectly and
say Asian food is probably my favourite managed to get a production line I look forward to many happy hours of
and I actually auditioned for the first process to churn out as many perfect baking bread for you all.
season of MasterChef South Africa with
an orange cured salmon terrine, teriyaki
jelly and a sesame shortbread. I was
unfortunately not selected for the top
24, but it was an exciting, enriching
experience, to say the least.
Skip forward a few years and Angie and
I are happily married with our two boys
Hayden (4) and Quinten (2). They often
accompany me on bread deliveries and
many customers have been ambushed
into a conversation about random
childhood topics by Hayden.
So how did the bakery come to
be? Well, back in 2019, I received a
cookbook from an aunt in the UK that
contained a ‘simple’ ciabatta recipe. I
usually favour cooking over baking as
my memories of baking just included
loads of dirty mixing bowls and flour all
over the kitchen.
During lockdown I found myself with a
bit of free time and I gave baking a try,
much to the delight of my family who
were enamoured with the delicious
bread. They suggested that I sell bread
in the estate as everybody was stuck at
home and fresh bread is always a great To order your next fresh delivery, simply send an sms or
item to have in the house. WhatsApp to Chris on 082 887 5736.
Cornwall View • Issue 1 2022 15