Page 17 - Cornwall Issue 2_2023
P. 17


                          WHY LOVE IS SO

                             IMPORTANT IN


                                                BY CHERYL MULLER

                                ith the 14th February traditionally  and respected for our hard work, it’s easier to stay
                                being Valentine’s Day, it made   focused on our goals and perform at our best.
                                sense for me to focus my themes
                                in February on Valentine, which   Ultimately, love in the business context helps to
                Wis a celebration of love and                 create a strong and lasting relationship between
                romance in many regions of the world. But what is   business owners and their customers, colleagues
                love in the business context? After giving it some   and partners. It allows us to create an environment
                thought, I realized that love and business are not   where everyone feels valued and respected, and it
                such a strange combination, but rather a reality for   helps to create an atmosphere of collaboration and
                many successful business owners. Let’s explore why.  innovation.

                The relationships we have with our customers,   Something I learnt many years ago from a very wise
                colleagues and partners can have a significant impact   and learned friend, Rev Milton Martin, is that you
                on the success of a business.When we love what we   don’t have to like everyone, but you must learn to
                do, it can be infectious. When we are passionate   love everyone. So, don’t be afraid to show some
                about our work, it’s easier to be inspired and   love in the business context – it could be the key to
                motivated. We can take ownership of our tasks, be   success!
                more creative and innovative and take risks to move
                our business forward.                         TOOLS TO REBUILD LOVE
                                                              WITHIN TEAMS
                Love in the business context also encourages   Lately I have been helping business owners to
                collaboration and communication. When we are   recreate strong and lasting relationships within
                passionate about our work and the people around   teams, which seems to have been negatively
                us, we’re more likely to be open to ideas, listen to   impacted by the Covid lockdown and working from
                others, and work together to come up with the best   home for the past two years. I use a very simple
                solutions. This kind of collaboration can help to   on-line assessment which takes 10 – 15 minutes
                create a strong and healthy work environment where   to complete. The individual receives a full report,
                everyone feels valued and respected.          helping them to understand their own behavioural
                                                              preferences, how they can use their strengths to
                At the same time, it is important to remember that   have a greater impact on the business and how
                love in the business context is not a one-way street.   to better connect with their colleagues, suppliers
                It’s important to show our customers, colleagues and   and customers. I follow this up with a half or full
                partners that we care about them and their needs.   day team building session where I help the team
                This means taking time to get to know them and   to understand each other better, how best to
                their businesses, and really listening to their ideas,   communicate with each colleague based on their
                challenges and feedback. It’s all about them if we   preferences and how to  use each team member’s
                want to develop trust.                        strengths. It’s all about better connections – we know
                                                              how frustrating a poor phone connection can be,
                Love in the business context can also be a great   and it is the same in teams when we are unable to
                source of motivation. When we feel appreciated   connect with one another.

                          Here is a link to a radio interview where Mike Anderson (CEO of NSBC) talks about
                                       this blog: Love in a Business Context.  Click HERE
                         If you want to take some ACTION, reach out to your nearest ActionCOACH business
                                      coach today for a free coaching session.  Click HERE

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                                                      076 979 0604

                          ActionCOACH - Real People, Real Results

                                                                                            Cornwall View • Issue 2 2023   15
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