Page 26 - Cornwall Issue 1 2025
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GENERAL EDUCATION chef service. Dinner parties, high teas and
COACHING: YOUR KEY TO SUCCESS IN LITTLE EINSTEIN’S PLAYSCHOOL delectable buffets in the comfort of your
BUSINESS AND BEYOND! An exceptional pre-school at Cornwall Hill own home.
Unlock your business potential! Experience Country Estate. Grade 0000- Grade 0. Visit to book.
the transformative benefits of having a Started in 2003. Highly qualified educators.
business coach and gain clarity, focus and Feeder school: Cornwall Hill College. GAS SUPPLY SERVICES
expert guidance to propel your business Sharon Rosema : 082 904 8157. FALCON GAS - 073 818 3532
forward. Try a complementary coaching https// Try our exceptional service for your LPG
session and discover the difference it can Extra Afrikaans lessons Grade 1-10. Tutoring: cylinder refill / new cylinder supply.
make. Let's work together to achieve your Grade 1-4. We comply with all estate safety and security
goals and surpass your wildest dreams! Know regulations.
a business owner who could benefit? Refer LEARN ENGLISH *FREE delivery to home or business
them and earn a referral fee. Contact Cheryl AMBASSADOR English Language School within Cornwall Hill.
Muller, MCom and certified business coach, Beginner to Advanced & IELTS courses Email:
guaranteed results. Get started today on your In-Person & Online
journey to success! Group classes & private lessons DO GAS SANS 10087 applies to all domestic
Phone: 076 979 0604 WhatsApp +27 787 210 541 gas installations. Non-compliance negatively
Email: affects your safety and home insurance. Contact DoGAS for a free assessment to
LIGHTING, ELECTRICAL AND SOLAR ensure your compliance. Ph. +27657245178 /
Looking for a professional photographer? Contact us for all your solar needs.
I photograph families, businesses, products, For free quotations and advice call us on LOCKSMITHS
architecture and interiors. 012 993 1761 or visit us on BRAD’S LOCK AND KEY. Anything to do
I am qualified, experienced, friendly and with keys or doors sorted. We also fit custom
relaxed and my studio is at Stand 579 gates and gate/garage motors.
Broadbury Circle, Cornwall Hill Estate. Call Ivan CLEANING SERVICES Tel: 011 8024114 or 082 854 9898
Muller Photography today for a quote! VANHOUT CLEAN CURTAIN SERVICE Email:
082 454 8487 specialises in curtain and loose carpet cleaning. On-site quotations and assessments are free of charge.
We have over 49 years of experience in To advertise here
PETER MOREY PHOTOGRAPHIC & cleaning various materials such as cotton, please contact
FRAMING silk, linen, polyester, velvet, acrylic, rayon, Martin on 072 835 8405
Based right here in Cornwall Hill. brocade, wool, suede and lace.
Need any photo shoots done? Our service includes: • Removal • Dry clean
We can assist with any type of photo shoot, and hand clean • Delivery and re-hanging •
including website, studio, products, family Replacing hooks • Hand steaming
shoots, architecture, homes, birthdays or Please call Francis 071 224 9313.
special events.
Need any framing or block mounting? HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY
Photos, rugby jerseys, cricket bats, medals, FAIRY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTY Security Emergency: 079 575 4472
Landline: 012 667 3089
artwork etc. We have a huge selection of over & WELLNESS STUDIO
800 frame samples to choose from, with a Natural beauty treatments, sunbed, lamp Estate Management and Administrative Office
very fast turn-around time. Visit us to see and robe, laser, medical aesthetics. Graham Jones, Estate Manager 072 045 0012
choose what works for you. Situated in Cornwall Hill. Email:
Need any drone photography or videos? Bookings: 084 757 6683. Telephone: 012 667 2938
We can assist putting together dynamic,
eye-catching multimedia drone videos for PEST CONTROL Operations Manager:
maximum impact. Homes, lodges, game PEST CONTROL, CLEANING AND HYGIENE Johan Visser: 072 045 0111
farms or businesses. With over 46 years of experience in the
Please call Peter Morey on 082 551 2323 or industry, we specialize in providing solutions Security Manager
pop in and visit us at our studios located at tailored to meet the unique needs of both Jason Hartman (012) 667 2938
1 Middlehill Road, Cornwall Hill. individuals and businesses. 060 966 0379 Pest control: 012 656 1341
Cleaning services: 012 654 5534 Netcare Ambulance 082 911
KJL WOOD & ALU Plumbing services: The leading name in Netcare Unitas Hospital 012 677 8000
Repair, restoration and new installa- plumbing and maintenance, now offering Police Flying Squad 10111
tion of wooden doors, windows and municipal water backup and rainwater Crime stop 0860 010111
decking. Custom joinery. harvesting solutions. 012 654 2513 / 071 875 Lyttelton Police Station 012 664 8600
Aluminium servicing and repair as well as res- 0218 SPCA 012 664 5644
toration of faded aluminium frames. Please Wetnose 013 932 3941
contact Kobus Langeveldt on CATERING Trauma Counselling 079 731 6367
074 615 8579 or CHEF NEO A bespoke catering and private 012 751 2751
24 Cornwall View • Issue 1 2025