Page 22 - Cornwall Issue 1 2025
P. 22


           f ever a title of “royalty” were to be
           applied to a motor car, that sobriquet
           would have to rest with Rolls-Royce.
        ISince the first model, a Silver Ghost,
        was produced in 1907, the magnificent
        British machine was proclaimed as “the
        best car in the world”.
        At the 28th George Old Car Show on
        February 8 2025, Rolls-Royce and the
        equally exalted upper-crust British marque,
        Bentley, will be showcased as the headline
        act in a special commemoration for British
        cars. A demarcated area on Field D at the
        show venue will comprise the large number
        of treasured classic Rolls-Royce and Bentley
        models owned by collectors hailing from
        many parts of the country.

        Rolls-Royce has had a presence in South
        Africa since 1910, when the first Silver
        Ghost model was imported here as the
        official car for the governor general of South
        Africa, Lord Herbert Gladstone. Since then,
        many Rolls-Royces were imported privately,
        until after World War 2 when the Grosvenor
        Group was appointed as the official Rolls
        and Bentley agent for South Africa.

                                            2025 show on February 8,” says Waldo   at 80 to 90 km/h,” said Pierre. In 2024 his
        If Rolls-Royce is considered the monarch,   Scribante, chairman of the organising   yellow and burgundy Bentley was one of the
        then Bentley can be perceived as the   club, the Southern Cape Old Car Club.   star attractions on the main field near the
        extended, adventurous branch of Britain’s   “A large number of our members own   stage, and this year he is looking forward to
        royal motoring family. Bentley was   British classics, and we felt the time was   sharing lawn space with some of the exotic
        established in 1921 and gained worldwide   ripe to give these cars their turn under   Bentleys and Rolls-Royces on the D field
        sporting acclaim for victories in the Le Mans   the spotlight. In addition to our members’   at the Eden Technical College grounds in
        24-Hour race in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929   cars, there are strong groups of British car   George.
        and 1930. Driven largely by upper class   enthusiasts all along our coastline, and
        British playboys, the company founded by   these will deservedly be a huge feature of   A ONE-DAY SHOW
        W.O Bentley was acquired in a take-over by   the show.”                 This year’s event will be a one-day show,
        Rolls-Royce in the 1930s, and for decades                               whereas it was previously two days, held
        afterwards, Bentleys were seen as the   Recently SCOCC member Pierre Malherbe   over a weekend. Over the years however,
        sporting variants of the more staid Rolls-  completed a 1 200 km tour in his   attendance on the Sunday has dwindled in
        Royce models.
                                            immaculate 1936 Bentley 4¼ litre four door   terms of both spectators and car exhibitors.
                                            saloon, with Park Ward coachwork. “The car
        “While Rolls-Royce and Bentley are   performed perfectly for the duration of the   “The reason for the fall-off of cars on the
        jewels in the British crown, we will be   Erfenis Tour to Tulbagh and back, cruising   Sunday has been that over the years, many
        celebrating all British marques in our
                                                                                exhibitors have driven long distances to
                                                                                attend the show,” explained Scribante.
                                                                                “These enthusiasts had to retrieve their cars
                                                                                early on Sunday morning and head home for
                                                                                a long return journey. Consequently, on the
                                                                                Sunday, big gaps were left on the fields, so
                                                                                that by midday on the Sunday, only a small
                                                                                number of classics remained.
                                                                                “More and more, we felt this was not fair
                                                                                for spectators who had planned to attend
                                                                                the show only on the Sunday, as they were
                                                                                effectively seeing only half a show, or less.
                                                                                So for 2025 (with something of a heavy
                                                                                heart) we are running the show as a one-
                                                                                day event. To compensate for this, we are
                                                                                running the Saturday show an hour longer
                                                                                than before, with show times for spectators
                                                                                being 9am to 6pm.
                                                                                OTHER BRITISH BRANDS
                                                                                Apart from the ultra-exclusive marques,
                                                                                British cars sold very well in South Africa,
                                                                                and it is recorded that Austin was registered
                                                                                here as a make as far back as 1912. During
                                                                                the 1920s, the diminutive Austin 7 was a
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