Page 3 - Cornwall Issue 1 2025
P. 3
Cornwall Cares 2024 2
The Health Risks of Hidden Sugars 6
The Big Picture 8
Healthy Summer Feasting 14
Book Reviews 19
George Old Car Show 2024 20
Service Providers 24
elcome to the first edition of our please book on the GloCMS app beforehand.
COVER PHOTOGRAPH BY IVAN MULLER estate magazine for 2025. May Should you decide to pitch up on the spur of
Wthis year be filled with blessings the moment, just make sure that the specific
Cornwall View focuses on the Cornwall and exciting opportunities. site hasn’t been booked already, as it will then
Hill Country Estate. The magazine is
co-ordinated and published by Estates The board would like to congratulate all be indicated as reserved on the app.
in Africa (Pty) Ltd on behalf of the Home
Owners Association of Cornwall Hill matriculants at the estate on finishing If any residents are interested in getting
Country Estate. The opinions of co-workers their school years. There were many great involved with estate matters or have
and personnel of Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd achievements, well done! This is the end of an suggestions for areas of improvement,
do not necessarily reflect those of the HOA era, but also the beginning of a new journey please feel free to reach out to the estate
of the Cornwall Hill Country Estate. and we wish you all the best. office. We would also greatly appreciate
any contributions, articles or interesting
PUBLISHER During the festive season, we experienced a photographs taken on the estate for inclusion
Nico Maritz significant amount of rain. While it transformed in the next edition of the magazine.
E-mail: our gardens into vibrant green spaces, it also
means there’s plenty of grass cutting and Warm greetings
SUB EDITOR for Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd trimming to be done. Please make sure your
Karyn Richards garden remains tidy and well-maintained.
Email: Sonya Semmelink
A huge thank you to our security team for
EDITOR for Cornwall Hill Country Estate keeping us safe throughout the holiday
Ivan Muller: 082 454 8487
Email: season. Whether it was Christmas Eve or
New Year’s Day, we could always count on
SALES & MARKETING MANAGER their vigilance to ensure our safety and the
Martin Fourie: 072 835 8405 upkeep of our estate. We truly appreciate the
E-mail: dedication of our security manager, Jason and
his team, for their hard work.
Gerdie Murphy: 082 556 9863 Residents who are planning any improvements
Email: or alterations to their properties are reminded
that this should be done in accordance with
SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE our estate rules. Please contact the estate
Alicia Audier: 082 057 7262 office before embarking on this process, to
ensure that the guidelines are followed. Even
PRODUCTION minor alterations or additions should be
Chris Grant - 011 327 4062 discussed to clarify what is required. Solly at
E-mail: Reception is available to assist, and we also
have an independent architect reviewing plans
DESIGN on Wednesdays. It is always more efficient and
Leonardo Lupini cost-effective to make any adjustments upfront
E-mail: rather than having to fix issues later on.
PRETORIA OFFICE It is wonderful to see residents taking
Martin Fourie: 072 835 8405 advantage of our upgraded communal
facilities. Don’t forget, there are plenty of
Tel: 011 327 4062, Fax: 011 327 4094, options and areas available for everyone to
Now Media Centre, 32 Fricker Road enjoy a braai or get-together. This includes
Illovo • Johannesburg sites at the koppie, Mongoose Park, the post office, soccer field and Land’s End. If you
would like exclusive use of a specific area,