Page 6 - Cornwall Issue 1 2025
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keep everyone informed and engaged THE POWER OF COLLECTIVE "Choosing kindness is the ultimate expression
throughout the process. ACTION of evolved consciousness. Grow by being kind."
The Cornwall Cares initiative is a perfect
THE SUPPORT OF OUR STAFF: example of what can be achieved when we all These words perfectly capture the spirit
ABOVE AND BEYOND come together. Every contribution, big or small, of Cornwall Cares and the heart of our
Last year, the enthusiasm and dedication helped us get one step closer to our goal. community. Let’s continue to choose kindness
of our staff was unmatched, from assisting This collective effort is what makes Cornwall in everything we do because together, we’re
with fundraising efforts to ensuring that Hill Country Estate such a special place - a not just creating change, we’re creating joy.
their duties were performed with care and community that values kindness, compassion
attention. and a willingness to help others. Thank you again to all the residents for making
Cornwall Cares 2024 such a memorable and
I am especially grateful to the management As we reflect on last year’s success, we’re successful event. Here’s to many more
team and staff members who went above reminded of the words of Amy Leigh Mercree: years of giving, community and joy!
and beyond to assist me with
this initiative. Their unwavering
support, enthusiasm and
encouragement were absolutely
instrumental in making Cornwall
Cares 2024 a success. All
staff members received a
R6000 Checkers gift card and
two Romans Pizza vouchers.
They were thrilled with their
gifts which were a token of
appreciation from the residents
for their positive energy,
commitment and hard work
throughout the year.
None of this would have
been possible without the
overwhelming support from the
residents of Cornwall Hill Country
Estate. Your kindness and
generosity truly shone through
in 2024. Some residents made
exceptionally large donations,
demonstrating the deep care
and compassion that define our
4 Cornwall View • Issue 1 2025