Page 11 - Cornwall Issue 1 2025
P. 11

BIRDS OF         THE DIEDERIK CUCKOO                                                           THE BIG PICTURE

                  Afr. Diederikkie
 A FEATHER        sub-Saharan Africa, renowned for its unique breed-
                  The Diederik Cuckoo is a fascinating bird native to
                  ing strategy. Unlike most birds that diligently build
                  their own nests and raise their young, the Diederik
                  Cuckoo has a parasitic lifestyle. The female cuckoo
                  lays her single egg in the nests of other birds, pri-
                  marily weavers. This parasitic behaviour allows the
                  cuckoo chick to be raised by unsuspecting foster
                  parents, ensuring its survival.

                  A skilled insectivore, the Diederik Cuckoo primar-
                  ily feeds on caterpillars, which it hunts with agility
                  amongst the leaves of trees and bushes. It also
                  includes spiders and other small invertebrates in its
                  The photograph depicts a captivating moment in the
                  Diederik Cuckoo’s courtship behaviour. The male is
                  offering a worm to a female, a common tactic seen
                  in many bird species. This display serves as a testa-
                  ment to the male’s prowess as a provider, a crucial
                  factor for females when choosing a mate – not un-
                  like humans I would think…!

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