Page 4 - Dainfern Precinct Living 1 2021
P. 4



        LOVED ONES

           f you could escape the pandemonium   impacted the efficiencies gained through   knowing the symptoms, spreading
           of the pandemic, if somehow it had   real-time interpersonal engagement.  kindness, myth-busting and solidarity,
           manifested only in a few countries in                                 WePresent chose a selection of artworks
       Ithe northern hemisphere, and not in   Will we ever have those opportunities   to showcase. What they asked the
        the south, what would you do? If you had   again? To chinwag with colleagues during   participants was: “What makes you
        the chance to leave this place ravaged   coffee breaks, to pop in to chat to a client   really, really happy?”
        by the pandemic, what would you do?   and pick up the peripheral information
        Would you go in a heartbeat? Or would   that they don’t think to tell you, which   With our Dainfern Precinct Living
        you say: “What? And miss all of this?”  reflects how they’re really doing? I have   magazine being published monthly
                                            always found visiting a client or someone   entirely in the digital dimension, you now
        Unfortunately, in our current situation,   who we want to write about is way better   have the opportunity to click hyperlinks
        there is nowhere to go. And it would   than chatting online. One learns so   at the end of some of our articles. If
        be foolish for anyone to think they’re   much more about the person and their   you enjoy the artworks shown in the
        invincible merely because they’ve had   context within the bigger picture of their   WePresent article, look out for the link
        the vaccination, or haven’t yet caught the   community. We are missing so much   at the bottom of their last page to click
        disease – or maybe they’ve had it and   through this isolation.          through and view more inspirational
        survived.                                                                messages and the intriguing selection of
                                            However, on a more positive note,    artworks submitted for the UN campaign.
        At this stage, it’s difficult to predict how   innovations are emerging in a myriad
        long the strict regulation of our lives will   different ways – improvements in   With Valentine’s Day coming up, we also
        continue. But humans were not made for   technology, the explosion of video   have some ideas of how to make this
        isolation. Even healthcare professionals   productions, gaming, engaging on   occasion a family affair. Expressing love
        will tell you that babies denied human   social media, the way teachers are   and appreciation for those who matter
        touch and comfort do not thrive.    approaching online education, amongst   most in your life should not, of course, be
                                            other aspects of our new society – these   a once-a-year event. Be sure to cherish
        Our school-aged kids are missing huge   are flourishing.                 those near and dear to you every day
        chunks of opportunities to socialise.                                    and show them that you care.
        Whilst the over-competitiveness of   Keeping to the positivity theme, in this
        sport and academic prowess might not   issue, do look out for our article entitled   Till next time, stay safe, stay healthy and
        be lamented by some, being able to   ‘Happiness can be found in the Darkest   keep smiling!  Warm regards,
        mix with their peers and evaluate the   of Times’ compiled by WePresent.
        performance of others gives children a   Following the initiative of the United
        sense of their social context.      Nations which called for creatives around          Ann
                                            the world to help raise awareness of
        Even for adults, the loss of the    the coronavirus pandemic by submitting                      Ann Arnott
        melting pot of an office or educational   artworks covering issues such as                           EDITOR
        environment must surely have severely   personal hygiene, physical distancing,

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