Page 22 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 10 2022
P. 22


                                                                                                                    Photo by Kelly Sikkema

        provision for extra medical expenses for   you might be receiving little – if any   It’s important that you become
        yourself and your children – it is crucial   – child support from your ex-partner.   financially savvy – especially in terms of
        that you prevent ‘draining your assets’ in   Ensure you have income and debt   planning and saving up for school fees
        order to afford additional costs that are   protection, some life cover and cover for   and/or other childcare expenses.
        not covered by your medical aid, should   temporary or permanent disability.
        you or your children suffer any serious                                 Whether you are a widow or divorced,
        illness or injury.                  2. If your ex-spouse is not honouring   ensure that your financial decisions are
                                            maintenance payments for your       made in the interests of both you and
        4. Consult a financial adviser if you are   children and/or yourself, you can   your children. This includes thinking
        inexperienced with financial planning.  lay a criminal charge against your   about the future and how each decision
                                            ex-spouse, which could lead to him   will impact you and your family in the
        5.  Find out how to set up trusts for                                   months and years to come.
        your children and think about who the   or her being criminally prosecuted.
        right people would be to look after   If your ex is formally employed,   Child Care Support Applicants must
        those trusts, to ensure that any benefits   you can make an application to the   meet the following requirements:
        available to your children, i.e. from   Maintenance Court for a garnishee   •  The primary care giver must be a
        assets or life insurance products, will be   order to be issued. This will be issued   South African citizen, permanent
        managed correctly should something   on your ex’s employer, who will then   resident or refugee.
        happen to you. Once you have all    be ordered to deduct from your ex’s
        the information, follow through and   monthly salary the maintenance he   •  Both the applicant and the child
        see that the trusts are set up to your   (or she) should be paying. This will   must reside in South Africa.
        satisfaction.                       then be paid out to you. Alternatively,
                                            the Maintenance Court can issue a   •  The applicant must be the primary
        6. If you are financially down and   warrant of execution which authorises   care giver of the child/ children
        out, make the necessary cuts e.g.   the Sheriff of the Court to demand     concerned.
        downgrade to a hospital plan if you   the outstanding monies from the
        have a medical aid. Consider applying   defaulting spouse.              •  The child/children must be under
        for a child support grant, which pays out                                  the age of 18 years.
        a monthly amount per child if you are   3. If there is agreed financial support   •  The applicant must meet the
        currently unemployed or your financial   for you and your children, make sure   requirements of the means test.
        situation is below a certain level*.   that your ex has a life policy specifying
        Remember: Every bit helps!          you as the beneficiary to cover     •  The applicant cannot apply for more
                                            expenses, in the event of your ex-     than six non-biological children.
        FINANCIAL ADVICE FOR A NEWLY        spouse becoming disabled or passing
        DIVORCED WOMAN                      away. You need to look especially at   •  The child/children cannot be cared
        1. Similar to the death of a spouse,   products that can provide the required   for in a state institution.
        when you get divorced, you will have   recurring monthly benefit that equates
        a household depending on you for    to your and your children’s monthly   *
        financial support. If you have children,   expenses.                      Child-Support-Grant.aspx

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