Page 26 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 10 2022
P. 26
Health & Wellness
find out if any of your direct
relatives have had gallstones.
• Being overweight.
• A sedentary lifestyle.
• A diet high in fat.
• Frequent fasting.
• Rapid weight loss.
• Pregnancy.
• Diabetics are also at increased
risk of developing gallstones.
“The probability of cancer-causing
obstructive jaundice through blocking
in the biliary tree or in the head of the
pancreas increases in the elderly, and may
start slowly and painlessly. Unfortunately,
cancers that originate in this part of the
body are often only detected at a more
advanced stage and therefore a suspicion
of cancer should be investigated as soon
as possible,” cautions Dr Ally.
Modern technology and ever
advancing surgical techniques are
improving the prognoses for patients
with cancer in the liver, biliary tree
and pancreas. Surgery is often done
in combination with chemotherapy,
“Bile contains cholesterol and temporary blockage of the gallbladder however the earlier these conditions
metabolites, which are necessary for outflow duct. are diagnosed the better.
the digestion of food. It is produced in
the liver in response to the fat content “Usually, the pain abates after a few “Today, gallstones in the gallbladder
of the meal. Bile also helps rid the body hours, however if the body cannot can be treated with minimally invasive
of toxins and the waste products of clear the blockage immediately, the keyhole surgery to remove the
metabolism,” Dr Ally explains. obstruction within the gallbladder gallbladder. However, up to one in
prevents it from fully emptying the four patients who have gallstones in
“In its journey from the liver through contents of the gallbladder. This in their gallbladder will have additional
the biliary tree to the small intestine, turn leads to stasis, infection of the stones that have formed outside of
bile passes through the head of gallbladder, and possibly a perforation the gallbladder, requiring a different
the pancreas, which surrounds the or rupture. The person would most treatment approach,” Dr Ally says.
bile duct. Excess bile is forced back likely experience a persistent, severe
through the system of ducts and upper abdominal pain that is worsened Hepatobiliary surgeons, such as
stored in the gallbladder, until the by movement, touch or even deep Dr Ally, are trained in the management of
next meal when it is needed in the breathing. complicated biliary, pancreatic and liver
gastrointestinal system. A blockage diseases and can access the biliary tree
in the biliary system prevents the “If the obstructing gallstone is passed to remove any gallstones lodged there.
flow of bile and, if it is not resolved, from the gallbladder and instead This is done by means of an endoscopic
leads to obstructive jaundice. Such blocks the outflow of the biliary tree, retrograde cholangiopancreatography
blockages are most commonly caused this results in obstructive jaundice. (ERCP) procedure.
by gallstones or cancer,” he says. Various organ systems are affected
and this too can be extremely serious
Symptoms of obstructive jaundice as the kidneys, brain, blood and “In an ERCP, a long, thin tube is
carefully guided to the biliary tree
include yellowing of the sclera (the cardiovascular system are all affected to remove the gallstones. Stents are
white part of the eye) and of the by obstructive jaundice,” Dr Ally adds. then inserted in the areas where the
skin, as well as itching, bruising gallstones were removed to restore
easily, passing pale stools and dark Whether caused by a gallstone or bile flow. This makes it possible for
cancer, a blockage of the biliary tree
healthy biliary and organ function to
can quickly lead to secondary infection,
GALLSTONES potentially causing organ failure and resume,” he explains.
A gallstone is formed from the death within hours if it is not treated Such procedures are best performed
cholesterol in bile. Over time, excess immediately. by a team including a hepatobiliary
cholesterol solidifies into small crystals surgeon in a hospital that is equipped
which bind together to form the TEN RISK FACTORS FOR GALLSTONES for complex radiological investigations
Women are more prone to
gallstone. IS BOOMING
and advanced surgical technology.
developing gallstones, although
“There are many different symptoms men can also be affected. “Time is critical in treating a person
associated with gallstones, the most • The risk of gallstones increases with a blockage of the biliary tree.
common being a colicky pain – a sharp with age, particularly from 40 Knowing the symptoms of obstructive
localised pain in the abdomen that may onwards. jaundice and recognising this as a
come in spasms soon after a meal, as • Genetic factors can predispose medical emergency can help to save
muscular contractions work to clear the a person to gallstones, so your life,” Dr Ally concludes.
24 DPL issue 10 2022