Page 21 - Dainfern Precinct Living June 2022
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Precinct Living

               small group of community-    be exchanged for food that had been   include inter alia, the establishment of
               spirited residents of the Thabo   donated. This exchange would give   food gardens, the rehabilitation of
               Mbeki informal settlement,   residents a sense of purpose and dignity  pre-schools in the area, facilities for
       A hulani Molefe, Elizabeth           rather than just lining up for handouts.   sports tournaments, entrepreneurial
       Kelobetswe and Mongi Mabadi, formed   These bottles, when filled with rubbish,   development programmes, and
       Tiisetso (means ‘perseverance’ in Pedi)   are called Eco Bricks.          helping and supporting residents in
       Community Projects NPC at the height                                      their search to find employment. Over
       of the COVID pandemic. At the time,   The project was a great success - so   the last 5 months alone, more than 60
       the community of approximately 6 000   much so, that thousands of bottles   people from the settlement have been
       residents was heavily reliant on the   were collected, and the focus moved   placed in jobs in the formal sector
       goodwill of people in the surrounding   to finding a use for the bottles that   because of the direct involvement of
       areas for food parcels and basic     would in turn serve the community.   Tiisetso.
       essentials. It quickly became clear that   After some research, the concept of
       handouts were not sustainable and,   building a community skills centre   The members of Tiisetso have plans
       whilst food items were desperately   using the bottles as bricks, was     for other innovative projects to
       needed, the residents felt somewhat   mooted and adopted. The centre was   further promote economic and social
       degraded by having to rely on others   finished in 2021 and now serves as   development of communities. Should
       to survive.                          a hub for several initiatives aimed at   you wish to find out more about the
                                            the economic and social upliftment   projects and this special group of
       As a result, the idea was born to start   of the settlement and its immediate   people, the best person to speak to is
       exchanging food parcels for 2l plastic   surroundings.                    Willem Lindeque. He has been active
       bottles filled with rubbish. This project                                 in supporting residents in the Lanseria
       would require residents to collect 2 litre   Other projects that have been initiated   area for the last 10 years and he can be
       plastic bottles, and the bottles would   by this small group of residents   contacted on 076 423 6570.

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