Page 23 - Dainfern Precinct Living June 2022
P. 23

Precinct Living

                                                         n November 2021, Tiisetso    sell a portion of the crop to other
                                                         Community Projects NPC       residents, thereby providing an
                                                         piloted its first food tunnel in   income which is shared among
                                                         the Thabo Mbeki settlement.   them. They have also agreed to
                                                     IThis proved to be a huge        allocate a percentage of the crop
                                                      success and, consequently, a    to a feeding scheme in the area
                                                      further 6 food tunnels have been   that supports destitute families
                                                      erected!                        and children in the settlement.

                                                      The tunnels are planted with    In addition to fertilising the
                                                      spinach and other vegetables, and   vegetables, the worm farms have
                                                      have been allocated to residents   produced an excess of worm ‘tea’.
                                                      of the settlement who have an   To utilise this surplus, the farmers
                                                      interest in mini farming. In parallel,   are now looking to sell off the
                                                      worm farms (buckets of worms    worm tea to further supplement
        Residents of the                              that are fed and watered daily)   their income!
                                                      have been established. These
        Thabo Mbeki informal                          produce organic fertiliser to feed   Building on the entrepreneurial
                                                      the plants.
                                                                                      spirit that is growing in the Thabo
        settlement have taken                         The ‘farmers’ were trained and are   Mbeki settlement, the members
                                                                                      of Tiisetso have plans for other
        the initiative to establish                   required to take responsibility for   innovative projects to further
                                                                                      promote economic and social
                                                      the daily maintenance and upkeep,
        food gardens in an effort                     which includes daily watering,   development of communities.
                                                      weeding, and feeding the worms -
                                                      all of which takes about 40 minutes  Should you be interested in buying
        to feed themselves and                        each day.                       worm tea for your garden, or if
                                                                                      you would like to find out more
        generate an income for                        The spinach is harvested        about the Tiisetso Community
                                                                                      Projects initiatives, contact Willem
                                                      approximately 7 weeks after
        their families.                               planting. Over and above feeding   Lindeque on 076 423 6570 or email
                                                                                      him at
                                                      their own families, the farmers
                                                                                                   DPL issue 5 2022  21
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