Page 33 - Dainfern Precinct Living June 2022
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            ollowing the fabulous success of
            the inaugural Marine Protected
            Areas (MPA) Day, held on 1 August
       F2021, this national event is now set
        to go global from this year. Everyone
        is welcome to celebrate these ‘game
        reserves of the sea’ with a number of
        exciting activities planned at home and
        abroad on Monday, 1 August 2022.
        South Africa protects approximately
        8% of its terrestrial wildlife through a
        network of protected areas, such as the
        Kruger National Park. These protected
        areas are national treasures, where locals
        and visitors can explore and experience
        the wonders of nature. Similarly, the rich
        diversity of coastal and ocean ecosystems
        in South Africa is protected through a
        network of MPAs.
        South Africa has 41 Marine Protected
        Areas which make up only 5.4% of    15 - Helderberg                      the ocean and ensure that the ocean
        the ocean and coast. These MPAs play   16 - Betty’s Bay                  continues to support us.
        a significant role in the protection of   17 - Walker Bay                HOW CAN WE CELEBRATE MPA DAY 2022?
        spawning and nursery areas that allow   18 - SE Atlantic Seamounts       This year, marine scientists will join
        for recovery of the ocean’s marine life,   19 - Browns Bank Corals       youth groups onshore to explore South
        which is threatened as a result of rampant   20 - Agulhas Mud            Africa’s MPAs. There will be an MPA Day
        overfishing. MPAs provide safe havens for   21 - De Hoop                 Essay and Art Competition for children
        marine life to regenerate and thrive.   22 - Stilbaai                    run by the Youth4MPAs collective.
                                            23 - Agulhas Bank Complex
        In summary, the benefits of these   24 - SW Indian Seamounts             There’s also the popular MPA Day Photo
        valuable ocean areas include:       25 - Goukamma                        Competition with new categories for
        •  Providing a home to rare and     26 - Robberg                         amateur and professional photographers
           endangered species thereby       27 - Tsitsikamma                     with even bigger prizes.
           ensuring marine biodiversity.    28 - Agulhas Front
        •  Allowing fish stocks to increase in  29 - Port Elizabeth Corals       At 7pm on Monday, 1 August 2022, the
           size and abundance, supporting   30 - Sardinia Bay                    MPA Alliance will host a special webinar   Image: Catherine Merlin
           adjacent fisheries.              31 - Addo Elephant NP                with five leading South African marine
        •  Protecting our cultural heritage  32 - Amathole                       scientists to share the latest research on
           connected to the ocean.          33 - Amathole Offshore               MPAs. This year will also see the launch
        •  Providing beautiful spaces for   34 - Dwesa-Cwebe                     of the Citizen Science initiative.
           recreational activities, thereby  35 - Hluleka                        “We are very excited about this year’s
           promoting tourism.               36 - Pondoland                       MPA Day which will be celebrated across
        •  Providing educational centres for  37 - Trafalgar                     the world,” says Dr Judy Mann, Executive
           environmental learning.          38 - Protea Banks                    of Strategic Projects of the Two Oceans
        •  Providing a solid foundation for  39 - Aliwal Shoal                   Aquarium Education Foundation. “We
           researching the natural world.   40 - Uthukela Banks                  have new partners who have joined
        •  Absorbing enormous amounts of    41 - Isimangaliso                    our incredible team, and we hope to
           carbon dioxide, which helps to create a                               make MPA Day even more accessible
           buffer against climate change.   WHY A DAY TO CELEBRATE MARINE        to its global supporters. A few other
        •  Creating a marine wildlife economy  PROTECTED AREAS?                  countries will be joining us as we work
           for sustainable job creation.    Well, this helps us collectively appreciate   towards our dream of making MPA Day
                                            the value of MPAs and how they benefit   a truly international celebration. We look
        MARINE PROTECTED AREAS IN AND AROUND   both us and the incredible marine   forward to MPA Day 2022 and encourage
        SOUTH AFRICA                        biodiversity they are designed to    everyone to participate.”
        1 - Orange Shelf Edge               protect.
        2 - Namaqua Fossil Forest           It’s a day to share stories and information   “Our fate is closely tied to the health of
        3 - Namaqua National Park (NP)      about why and how we need to         our oceans, and MPAs are one of the best
        4 - Childs Bank                     conserve our ocean and keep building   ways to ensure the future well-being of
        5 - Benguela Mud                    support for MPAs. We hope that MPA   all who live on the planet.”
        6 - Cape Canyon                     Day will help more South Africans
        7 - Rocherpan                       recognise the important role MPAs play   Join in the discussions around MPAs on
        8 - Malgas Island                   in preserving the ocean for both people   Instagram @marineprotectedareassa,
        9 - Marcus Island                   and nature.                          Twitter @MPAsSA1 or Facebook Marine
        10 - Jutten Island                                                       Protected Areas SA (@MPASouthAfrica).
        11 - Langebaan Lagoon               By joining with people all over South   For more information about
        12 - Sixteen-Mile Beach             Africa in celebrating MPA Day we can   South Africa’s MPAs, visit
        13 - Robben Island                  make a clear statement that, no matter
        14 - Table Mountain NP              where we live, we can all help to protect
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