Page 36 - Dainfern Precinct Living June 2022
P. 36


                                                                                                                   Image: Miha Jan Strehovec

        If you are evaluating or re-evaluating   THERE WILL ALWAYS BE           Curiosity is also a great remedy for
        your life and career choices, consider   OPPORTUNITIES                  stuck-ness.
        these five simple principles:       Whichever route you take, you will
                                            face crossroads and forks in the road.   HONOUR THOSE WHO HELPED
         1. Nothing in life is certain.     They will require you to make decisions   YOU ALONG THE WAY
         2. There will always be opportunities.   about what you want and need. And   It is wise to honour those who have
         3. Less ego, more curiosity.       depending on your outlook, they will   come before you and those who
         4. Honour those who helped you     either be opportunities or they will be   have supported you. Remember your
            along the way.                  challenges.                         teachers, mentors, guides, and those
         5. Enjoy the ride.                                                     who helped you through tough times
                                            Either way, be open to them, invite them,   – those people you met spontaneously
        NOTHING IN LIFE IS CERTAIN          consider them and then choose. Maybe   who, with a story or quote, changed the
        Whether you decide to paddle upstream   some will work out, whereas others   course of your life.
        or steer yourself downstream, there   won’t. Some you will see, others you will
        is no way of knowing what you might   pass by without noticing them. Some,   Remember the people in your corner,
        encounter.                          you will embrace, some you will let go.  those who had your back and believed
                                                                                in you. Likewise, it’s even more
        It is easy to confuse preparedness   Whichever way you navigate your    important to realise the impact and
        for certainty. You may have the best   life or career, do it with integrity and   effect you have on others and what your
        survival training and the most hi-tech   compassion.                    words could mean to them on their
        equipment. Heck, you may even be                                        journey.
        Bear Grylls himself! But even he cannot   LESS EGO, MORE CURIOSITY
        know for sure what life will throw at   There will be times when you will feel on   Mentors and guides help to keep you
        him.                                top of the world, where the hard work   honest and accountable. Everyone
                                            starts paying off, and you feel invincible.   needs support in some way.
        In the same way, you can have a     But it is during these times – when you
        sought-after qualification, certificates,   are caught up in the excitement – that   ENJOY THE RIDE
        letters of recommendation, a        the ego needs to be reined in. If it isn’t,   There is a delicate balance one needs
        scholarship or years of experience   arrogance, selfishness and pride sneak   to maintain in life. It is between doing
        that serve as a platform from which to   in; shortly followed by greed, obsession   what is necessary to get what you want,
        launch or relaunch your career. Even   and validation. Then it becomes easy to   and not taking life too seriously. Have
        with all of that, there is no guarantee of   value yourself based on your success or   goals and dreams, but don’t hold on to
        success or certainty, even if you have   income, and you fall into an inevitable   them too tightly. Put in the hard work,
        well-intentioned goals.             trap where you need to maintain these   but also take time to play.

        Five-year plans are great, but think   things to feel worthy and accepted.  The girl looked up at her mentor,
        about your life five years ago. Would                                   slightly confused and disappointed.
        you have imagined your life as it is   There is nothing wrong with riding the   He knew what she was thinking. “This
        now?                                wave, but know it is just a wave. It will   is not the answer you were looking for,
                                            pass. Other waves will come and go. The   was it?”
        There is no way of knowing what the   key is to remain open to the waves and
        future will bring. Certainty is an illusion.   not hold on to just one because that is   “No,” she replied. To which he said, “But
        It is born out of a need to control (the   impossible. By cultivating a curious mind,   will you still get into the canoe, ride the
        situation, others, etc.) and is a guise for   we can naturally keep pride at bay while   river of life and be ok with not knowing
        insecurity.                         also enjoying the ebb and flow of life.  everything?”
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