Page 23 - Dainfern Precinct Living issue 7 2022
P. 23


        Most South Africans don’t

        know their credit score
        and few bother to find

        out, even though their
        creditworthiness is amongst

        the most important financial
        information there is about


                 our credit report can
                 determine whether you
                 qualify for a home loan,
         Yvehicle finance, a personal
         loan or other forms of credit. It also
         determines what interest rate you’ll
         pay, and if a landlord will consider you a
         suitable tenant. You may also be asked
         by a potential employer for a reference
         to confirm that your financial status is
         sound, as employees that prove to be
         financial delinquents normally end up
         being a nightmare to manage.

         “Your credit score affects more aspects
         of your life than most people realise,”   “A lot can happen in a year and if there’s   If you have several debt commitments,
         says Fiona Ssemanda, Sales Head, at   a sudden downward change in your   then use the credit report to try and
         specialist loan provider DirectAxis.  credit score for no apparent reason, you   prioritise them. Pay off debt with
                                             need to respond quickly. It could be   the highest interest rate first, while
         “From banks to cell phone companies,   anything from an error to identity theft.”   maintaining minimum payments on other
         everyone bases their decision about   There are a number of free online tools   accounts. Try to avoid taking on more
         how much of a risk you might be based   you can use to keep track of your credit   credit, especially revolving credit such as
         on your credit score. Essentially, it’s   score. Usually all you need to do is   store accounts. Increasing your available
         your financial reputation and it's more   register and you will be able to check   credit could also lower your score.
         influential than any other reference you   your score as often as you like.
         can provide. That’s why it’s important to                              Although keeping your creditors informed
         know your credit score and ensure that   Very few consumers have perfect credit   if you’re having difficulty won’t improve
         the way you behave financially builds   scores, which means nearly all have   your score, negotiating a payment
         your financial reputation over time,
                                                                                schedule is a positive step. Over time, as
                                             room for improvement. A benefit of
 THE REWARDS   rather than detracts from it.”   bettering your score is that you will   you settle the outstanding balances, this
                                             be able to access credit if you need it.
                                                                                should reflect positively on your score.
         Finding out your credit score should
         be easy. By law, you’re entitled to one   Another is that it could save you money.   It is important to remember that any
                                             People with higher credit scores can be
         free credit report a year and you can   considered for better interest rates on   overdue account will negatively affect
         get this from any of the credit bureaus.   loans, insurance premiums and rentals.   your credit score and paying it off, or
         These are the companies that compile   “There is a perception amongst some   closing it, doesn’t make your payment
         information about consumers’ financial   consumers that there’s nothing you can   history go away - this information can
         history, particularly whether you pay   do about a below-average credit score,”   stay on your record for up to five years.
         your bills on time, how much debt   says Ssemanda. “This simply isn’t true,   “Establishing and maintaining a sound
 OF HAVING A REPUTABLE   financial profile compares to that of   Ssemanda says the first thing to   advantage that is often underestimated.
         you have and, importantly, how your
                                                                                financial reputation gives you an
                                             although it can take some time.”
         other consumers.
                                                                                It’s like getting a bursary, and then
                                             consider is whether you’re paying your
                                                                                you fail a subject – it’s something you
 FINANCIAL RECORD  But Ssemanda warns that checking your   debts on time. “Even paying a few days   take for granted until it’s taken away,”
         score once a year may not be enough.
                                             late can affect your score.”
                                                                                concludes Ssemanda.
           For more information about how to achieve a better credit rating visit:
           To register for a free credit report from TransUnion, go to:
           or go to Experien’s My Credit Check:
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