Page 13 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 8_2022
P. 13
Precinct Living
cameras that live stream panoramic
views of the roads on an ongoing basis.
Loitering is also monitored and, where
possible, the Security Officers will ask
people or vehicles parked along the
roads to move along if it looks like they
are up to mischief or shouldn’t be there.
In addition to the security monitoring
and patrols, there are other agreements
in place where outsourced service
providers respond to fires (FireOps SA
is based in the Dainfern Golf Estate),
and medical emergencies (SLA provides
ambulances and medical response
Fires in particular are instances where
one cannot dither. The quicker the
response time, the easier it is to contain
a fire and minimise damage. A fast
response time can also save lives.
However, firefighting is not easy and
might not even be logical to the man
The area from William Nicol Drive The new security cameras installed as in the street. That’s why it’s imperative
turning into either side of Broadacres part of a joint BDA/Fidelity/Vumacam that you call the professional firefighters
Drive can be considered ‘front of house’ collaboration are infrared-enabled and based in the precinct the moment you
for our precinct. For people who live positioned so that the Command Centre realise that a fire is out of control.
in any of the member estates accessed is able to monitor vehicles entering
off Broadacres Drive, the unlittered the area as well as entering and exiting SEEING THE BIGGER PICTURE
environment and the aesthetically- the various estates. The Licence Plate For most homeowners, their property is
appealing landscaping are there Recognition (LPR) cameras are able to the single biggest asset that they have.
to make you feel like you’ve come detect vehicles that have been flagged Finding ways to enhance that value can
home the moment you enter the as suspicious and potentially a threat only be to their benefit, and this is why
precinct. To achieve this, the streets are to the security of the area. In addition supporting the activities of the BDA
cleaned regularly, the centre islands to these cameras, there are Overview makes a whole lot of sense.
are maintained, and where possible,
potholes are filled and repaired.
Security, of course, is top of mind for
all the estates in the precinct – as well
as for the two retail centres and the
office park. The positioning of the two
patrol vehicles at the corner of William
Nicol and Broadacres Drive was chosen
as much to show a visible security
presence, as it was to strategically situate
the vehicles for best response times to
any emergency. The Security Officers
are able to monitor the behaviour of
the minibus taxis, Uber drivers and any
suspicious vehicles that might pose a
threat to the residents.
The security protocols are proactively
improved where, in the view of the BDA
committee, there is a need. Every effort is
made to pre-empt any potential threats
before they become a problem – and
this is the underlying reason why the
security cameras in the precinct have
been upgraded.
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