Page 10 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 3_2023
P. 10
Today's Child
don’t exactly have our fingers on the a comfortable and safe space for your HELP CHILDREN DEVELOP
pulse of the issues that form the centre children to express their feelings without COPING SKILLS
of their universes. fear of judgment or punishment. This Life can be unpredictable, and everyone
environment will help them develop faces different challenges throughout
We need to be proactive and mindful, their communication skills and learn their lifetime. Help your children
ensuring we can crack the surface and how to effectively communicate their develop coping skills that can enable
offer the support we are generally open thoughts and emotions. them to manage when life’s challenges
to giving – we just don’t necessarily arise. This can involve teaching problem-
know what it is. CREATE A POSITIVE solving skills or helping them learn how
AND SUPPORTIVE HOME to meditate and relax.
Practical ways parents can understand ENVIRONMENT Encourage your children to participate in
and support their children’s mental Provide this environment by activities they enjoy and find relaxation
health needs. modelling positive behaviours and through methods like drawing and yoga.
values, such as kindness and respect, Even helping out in the local community
BUILD A RELATIONSHIP at home. You should also establish can help distract them from any
To strengthen the parent-child routines and structure, which helps to stressors.
relationship, regular quality time with provide a sense of predictability and
your children is the most important stability – essential for good mental SEEK PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT
thing you can give them. This may health. WHEN NEEDED
involve playing games or doing We need to break the cycle of
activities together, taking walks or PROMOTE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE misconceptions regarding mental health
engaging in conversations about your HABITS problems, such as “toughing it out”
child’s interests. These activities foster Good nutrition and physical activity or believing it can be taken care of at
communication, understanding, and fuel the body and brain, which helps home. If your child needs additional
trust, which help to build stronger and to promote good mental health. support, you should seek expert help
healthier relationships. Encourage good sleeping habits by sooner rather than later. Pediatricians,
providing a quiet and comfortable place school counsellors, and mental health
ENCOURAGE OPEN AND for your children to sleep. Children who professionals can offer guidance
HONEST COMMUNICATION get adequate sleep are more likely to and support to the child and family.
Children who feel heard and understood have improved cognitive performance, Remember that identifying a mental
are more likely to feel safe and secure better emotional regulation, and a health problem and seeking expert
in their environment and less likely to lower risk of developing mental health support can go a long way in ensuring
engage in negative behaviours. Create disorders. timely and effective treatment.
8 DPL issue 3 2023
8 DPL issue 5 2022