Page 18 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 3_2023
P. 18
Food for Thought
ou’ve probably heard it said that the more
we learn, the less we know. Ironically, nobody
Yseems to know who said that first, but they had
a point. 2020 certainly taught us how much we didn’t
know. Audio processing for live streaming was a huge
challenge for me. Previously unknown concepts like
audio filters, range limiters and noise gates needed to
be understood and applied to ever changing situations.
I remember the frustration of realising how little I knew
and the admiration I had for those who seemed to
understand it all.
Now, a few years later, I’ve discovered a new found
gratitude for that experience. A friend sent me a video
on how sound is processed by our ears. The experience
of my limitations in understanding and processing
sound, greatly compounds my appreciation for our
The video showed how sound is deflected towards
the ear drum which vibrates at even the slightest
disturbance. These vibrations move a lever made up
of three bones in an inclosed air-filled chamber. The
bone lever amplifies vibrations from larger, weaker
movements to smaller, stronger ones. Special muscles
and ligaments restrain movement and dampen sounds
that are too loud while amplifying the signal to an
optimum level. The bones transfer this signal from the
air chamber to a fluid-filled cochlea, and since fluid
doesn’t conduct sound as well as air, this amplification ON SITE SUNDAY SERVICES @ 9h30
is critical.
The fluid medium in the cochlea is essential in DAINFERN COLLEGE AUDITORIUM
converting the signal from physical vibrations to an
electrical signal. As sound waves move through the
fluid of the cochlea they trigger special nerves that Church services. The sound desks, laptop computers
fire off electrical impulses along nerves to the brain. and sophisticated audio processing software are
Different nerves isolate different frequencies so that amazing. The ingenuity of the people who designed
the sound is split into complex component parts that and developed them (as well as those who understand
can be interpreted separately or together by the brain. how to use them) is even more impressive. It’s all
wonderful – but nothing compared to our ears. Our
Though the video I recognised the different ears consistently provide a clearer, higher quality signal
components and how they have been emulated by than all that equipment, throughout load-shedding,
the audio equipment we used to live-stream our powered by whatever we ate for breakfast, and all
while they self-adjust to different circumstances, self-
clean and self-repair.
Realising how little I know compared to the God who
designed me leaves me feeling small, but valuable.
Knowing that the same person who designed me, chose
to become human in the person of Jesus and give His
life for me makes me feel even more valuable, even if
I don’t understand it completely. The more I learn, the
less I know, and the more I’m in awe of the God who
knows all. Blessed Easter to you and your families.
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