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 CYBERCRIMES                                    With more and more people resorting

                                                to the use of the internet, apps, emails

                                                and online transactions, cybercriminals

 ON  THE  INCREASE                              are wreaking havoc. How can you avoid

                                                becoming a victim?

                ybercrimes involve hacking,   from the banks where you have accounts,  access programme may also make you
                information and identity theft,   report this suspicious activity to their   vulnerable as scammers can then take
                phishing, ransoms, system    fraud line straight away. If you feel that   control of your computer, install malware
        Cblocking, cyber-stalking,           any of your credit cards have been   and hi-jack your data.
        invasion of privacy and many other   compromised, cancel the card/s and alert
        inventive ways to compromise our digital   the bank.                     PREVENTATIVE MEASURES TO
        safety. Website hacking has also become                                  KEEP YOU SAFE AND SANE
        more prevalent, especially now that more  ONLINE BANKING                 1. Ensure you have reputable antivirus
        people are trading online. So how do we   The major banks also advise that, before   software installed on all your devices,
        combat these criminal activities?    you do online banking, make sure that   keep it updated and make sure it scans
                                             you are actually on their official website.   your files regularly.
        All IT support service providers will give   If anything about their ‘home page’ looks
        you the same advice – prevention is   odd or out of place, they suggest that   2. Don’t open any suspicious emails and
        better than cure. But if you do fall victim   you close the page and cancel the link   never click on links in, or attachments to
        to any of these tactics, in most cases   on your browser. Then contact your bank   unsolicited emails. [Often, if you hover
        there are remedies.                  to alert them to the fraudulent activity.   over the sender’s name with your cursor,
                                             [Taking a photo of the screen or taking a   an email address will appear, which
        Firstly, though, let’s start by identifying   screenshot before navigating away from   ends up being completely unrelated to
        and examining the threats in greater   it could be helpful, too.]        the organisation they are pretending to
        detail.                                                                  represent. You may also try hitting the
                                             CHARITY FRAUD SCAMS                 ‘reply’ option (without sending) to see
        EMAILS                               Whenever there’s a crisis, requests for   what the return address reveals.]
        The recent change in the POPI Act    donations are not far away. Making
        (Protection of Personal Information   donations via third parties is fraught   3. Avoid visiting dodgy websites that may
        Act) specifies that marketers are no   with diversions and obscurities. Did you   pose a security risk to your devices.
        longer allowed to send out unsolicited   know that anyone collecting on behalf
        correspondence. However, this new    of a charity is entitled to take their cut   4. Use strong passwords that are not
        legislation has had very little effect as the   first, before sharing the balance (if any)   easy to guess and never store your
        volume of spam and junk emails is on the   with the charity? This also applies to   passwords on any of your devices.
        increase.                            the cell phone platform used for SMS   Change your passwords regularly as an
                                             donations.                          extra precaution.
        You may be receiving a lot of emails lately
        that look like they have come from your   Over and above that, scammers pose   A lot of criminals are actually
        bank (or banks if you use more than   as legitimate charities and divert funds   exceptionally clever individuals who
        one). You may even receive spam emails   intended for them to fake donation sites   enjoy the thrill of ducking and diving,
        from SARS. These are over and above the   and duplicated bank accounts. Never   coming up with all sorts of inventive
        frequent emails that you’d be receiving   make a donation online on impulse   crimes. They have no compassion or
        telling you about an inheritance from an   without doing your research first. Always   regard for their victims.
        unknown relative and that you have won   check out the charity by visiting their
        a fortune in an unheard-of lottery. And   website. If the charity is legitimate, they   There’s that age-old saying of “buyer
        then there are all the ‘companies’ which   will offer a tax exemption certificate for   beware”. In the case of cybercrimes,
        have made ‘payments’ to you for orders   any donation made by you.       it’s a case of “victims beware”. In the
        that they have supposedly sent to you,                                   mind of the cybercriminal, it’s your
        for products that you don’t supply.  UNSOLICITED OFFERS TO               fault if you get scammed! They’re just
                                             IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE             doing what they’ve chosen as their
        The most important strategy to employ   OF YOUR DEVICES                  ‘profession’ and will continue to do so,
        when it comes to suspicious emails is to   Anything unsolicited should be viewed   unless they get caught.
        delete them immediately and do not click   with suspicion. Anyone offering to
        on any links or attachments.         improve the speed or performance    Recently, the National Council of
                                             of any of your devices or to help with   Provinces (NCOP) passed the Cybercrimes
        The major banks emphasise that       software issues – if you don’t know   Bill for South Africa, making a whole list
        they will not ask you to click on links   them, end the conversation without   of transgressions punishable by law. Time
        or attachments that will take you to   sharing any information with them.   will tell whether this will help to protect
        another site. Do not share any personal   Never allow anyone remote access to   you and me, but in the meantime, let’s
        information and do not divulge any   your computer unless you know them   do whatever we can to keep these
        account information or passwords.    personally and have had prior dealings   criminals away from our personal
        If suspicious emails appear to be coming   with them. Downloading a remote   devices.

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