Page 16 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 6_2023
P. 16
Health & Wellness
Depression is a mood disorder with a microorganisms that live in our digestive tract) can influence
diagnosis that isn’t always as clear-cut a person’s mental health. It is important to remember that
the brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines.
as one would hope. A holistic approach For example, thinking about a meal can release digestive
is important when it comes to treatment. juices before food enters the stomach. In the same way that
This ranges from psychology, medical a distressed gut can send signals to the brain, a distressed
brain can also send signals to the gut. This brings about the
management, self-care, nutrition and importance to ensure healthy and diverse gut microbiota. It is
many more. therefore encouraged that one eats a variety of plant foods,
including fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes and grains. This is
hen one is equipped with the knowledge of in line with the recommendations of eating according to the
healthy eating choices, it can be an incredible Mediterranean diet.
tool in assisting one’s mental health. Although
Wmore studies are still required to confirm these One could also look to specific foods that ‘boost the brain’.
findings, research has found that healthy eating patterns may These include:
decrease the risk of depression, whereas western-style diets • Fatty fish. Mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, herring are
may increase this risk. Emphasis has been placed on following all high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for one’s
the Mediterranean diet. brain health.
• Curcumin. This is a compound found in turmeric which
This diet is rich in fruit and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, acts as both an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory,
nuts, legumes and seafood. It includes moderate amounts of whilst also shown to improve symptoms of depression.
chicken, eggs, cheese and yoghurt. The Mediterranean diet • Pumpkin seeds. This is a great source of zinc and
also recommends that red meat is rarely eaten. Foods to be magnesium. Deficiencies or low levels of either of these
avoided include sugar and foods with added sugar, refined nutrients have been linked to depression.
grains such as white bread, processed meats such as viennas • Eggs. Eggs contain folate and vitamin B12. A deficiency in
and bacon, trans fats which are usually found in bakery goods B vitamins has also been linked to depression.
and fried foods and, lastly, refined oils such as canola or
soybean oil. In order to recognise such ingredients, it is vital to Whether you manage to include certain nutritious foods in
read food labels. your diet, or whether you make progress in eliminating certain
unhealthy foods, these actions should be considered a success.
Studies have further shown that gut microbiota (which are Small steps in the right direction should be celebrated!
16 DPL issue 6 2023