Page 18 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 9_2023
P. 18

Today's Child




        As a mother, watching               Q: Could you share more about your   resilience and self-confidence. We take
                                                                                teenagers out of their comfort zones and
                                            unique approach to mentorship and
        my 19-year-old Gen-Z                why you believe it’s vital for today’s   into the bush, where they participate
        son grapple with                    teenage boys?                       in outdoor adventures and teamwork
                                            A: “Mentorship is about empathy and
        the complexities of                 understanding the world through the   “The programme helps equip them with
                                            eyes of today’s teenagers. The challeng-
        adolescence and the                 es they face, amplified by the constant   the emotional fitness they need to con-
        onset of adulthood has              scrutiny of social media, can be over-  quer adversity, navigating their emotions
                                                                                to work towards positive outcomes. The
        been a journey filled               “To guide young men through these   team dynamic builds healthy relation-
                                                                                ships and develops resilience. Our blend
                                            complexities, we need to be able to step
        with triumphs and trials.           into their shoes. We must also under-  of practical life skills and emotional
        Along this journey, the             stand that this generation doesn’t accept   guidance equips them to handle life’s
                                            just doing what they’re told – they
                                                                                ups and downs and face the complexities
        importance of having                respond better to interactive, engaging,   of adulthood. We balance the experi-
        a role model who can                and meaningful learning experiences.”  ences out with a healthy mix of fitness,
                                                                                motivational exercises, team challenges,
        provide guidance, support,          Q: The Angus Lowe Experience in-    and fun.”
                                            tegrates adventure-based learning,
        and empowerment has                 emotional fitness development, and life   Q: Can you tell us more about how
                                            skills. Can you unpack the benefits of
                                                                                focusing on emotional fitness can help
        become more necessary               this approach?                      teenagers handle challenging situations
        than ever.                          A: “Adventure-based learning promotes   more effectively?


        I am pleased to introduce you to Angus
        Lowe – an inspiring role model who has
        become a guiding light for my son and
        many other young men. Angus’s unique
        programmes, centred around adven-
        ture-based learning, emotional fitness,
        and practical life skills, foster resilience
        and self-confidence in the young men
        he takes under his wing, equipping
        them to face adulthood with determi-
        nation and grace.
        Q: Firstly, what exactly does the Angus
        Lowe Experience entail?
        A: “We facilitate camps in the Kruger
        Park and other world-class destina-
        tions, combining breathtaking wilder-
        ness adventures and transformative

        “The experiences inspire young men to
        unpack and understand the core values
        that are needed to make the best of life
        in the modern world.

        “Our core focus is on values for modern
        men, helping them discover their own
        identities, finding their independence
        and a sense of purpose. We impart re-
        al-life skills that cultivate forward-think-
        ing and balance so they can succeed in
        their daily lives.”

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