Page 19 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 9_2023
P. 19
A: “Emotional fitness is about more than
understanding emotions; it’s about man-
aging them effectively, building healthy
relationships, and developing the strength
to face life’s uncertainties.
Sometimes, we don’t always get what we
want and must accept ‘no’ for an answer.
This is an important life lesson.
“Experiential learning helps the boys
explore their emotions in a safe environ-
ment, guiding them in building positive
mindsets, which are crucial for their jour-
ney through adolescence and beyond.”
Q: What inspired you to create the Angus
Lowe experience?
A: “It wasn’t so much inspiration as as-
piration that ignited this journey. I found
purpose in sculpting a generation of young
men who could inspire others in their
communities and worldwide. I always
harboured a passion for helping children
explore new, exciting facets of life.
“In our modern world, one of the most
essential things for young men to learn is
understanding their true selves. My aim
was to facilitate this process of self-dis-
covery, fostering young men’s growth into
the best versions of themselves.”
Q: What were some of the key challeng-
es you faced when launching this initia-
tive, and how did you overcome them?
A: “Launching an initiative like this is
always fraught with challenges, which can
only be surmounted with perseverance
and determination. The logistics of the
program were particularly demanding.
We had to think through and plan nu-
merous details, and even then, we always
encountered something unforeseen to
learn from. The safety concerns around
exposing young men to Big 5 game areas
were significant. However, thorough dis-
cussions, showcasing our stringent safety
protocols, and letting people get to know
me and our safety plan helped allay these
Q: Your programmes have a distinctive
focus on adventure-based learning. How
did you arrive at this approach, and what
has the feedback been like?
A: “Adventure is the portal to self-discov-
ery. It’s surprising how many young men
don’t have the opportunity to embrace
their adventurous side. Adventure ex-
poses us to challenging and great times,
fostering self-understanding and agility.
“The feedback we’ve received has been
overwhelmingly positive. The widespread
support and enthusiasm for our pro-
grammes genuinely heartens me.”
Q: Your programmes also place a lot of
emphasis on practical leadership train-
ing. Can you explain the thinking behind
this and share any success stories?
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