Page 29 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 9_2023
P. 29

                                                                                                    Today's Child

              n many schools, textbooks     so, teachers are often on the back foot   When students type their notes in
              are no longer available in    when it comes to the expectations  class, they tend to type verbatim,
              hardcopy and most learning    of school management and policy    shutting off the brain’s desire to listen
              material is now accessible in   makers. Teachers are expected to   for meaning. Learning then becomes
              a digital format. Whilst this   simply implement digital learning in   passive because the student loses
              sounds globally favourable and   response to an outdated curriculum.   attention. An essential component
       Icreates the image of students’      More so, teachers cannot teach     of note taking requires summarising,
         preference for technology, it does   effectively if they, themselves, are not   paraphrasing and concept mapping.
         not necessarily translate into better   given the tools to function in a digital   Typing is simply copying.
         learning outcomes.                 classroom. Often, the onus is on the
                                            teacher to explore digital learning   Creating one’s own study notes
         Many parents are sold on the       and create meaningful inclusion of   through palpable interaction with
         educational punt of ‘preparation   electronic material. It would seem that   the material assists in encoding the
         for the future’ (which is simply a   the invasion of technology into the   information, which improves the ability
         marketing ploy) whereas the basis of   classroom has not quite mastered the   to process and retain new knowledge.
         education still relies on the creation of   art of actualisation.     When students study using printed
         conducive learning environments that                                  books, they are able to page back
         encourage interaction with learning   The art of teaching students HOW to   and forth, make notes in the margin,
         material.                          learn is influenced by the tools we give   colour-code and implement various
                                            them. If we give them a pen, they will   other active processes.
         The onslaught of technology into   write; if we give them a keyboard, they
         schools has been explosive. However,   will type. Does it matter what tools   This in turn, leads to the creation
         many schools are not prepared      we give them in order to learn, or can   of unique and original study notes
         for the demands of technology      we safely say that they will be able to   which make sense to the brain in
         and try to implement programmes    learn, no matter the equipment?    which they were created. In order to
         and structures that extend beyond   Much research is underway in      learn optimally, one has to ‘own’ the
 THE PEN IS MIGHTIER   relevant to real teaching; and some   exploring the differences between   one’s own: writing longhand allows
                                                                               information and, therefore, make it
         the realm of what is necessary or
                                            reading print and digital media, and
         schools misinterpret the function of
                                                                               the student to better conceptualise,
                                                                               understand and apply information.
         technology in the classroom and tend
                                            it would be wrong to assume that
 THAN… WELL…   to over-capitalise on its ability and   students will automatically receive   Long term storage is thus achieved
                                            improved education by digital reading
                                                                               and students are able to retrieve
                                                                               information more readily.
                                            simply because we believe it to be so.
         The investment in classroom
 ANYTHING ELSE!  technology sometimes surpasses the   Learning is a spontaneous activity   Typed notes are often verbatim and
                                            and generally happens without
         traditional purpose of education: to
                                                                               far more extensive than longhand,
                                            conscious thought. We learn through
         teach. Many teachers idealise the use
                                                                               demanding more reading time in
         of technology in their classrooms as a
         means to an end, and praise the iconic   a variety of mediums and experiences   order to wade through the ‘notes’.
                                                                               Effective studying requires students
                                            and often pay little attention to the
         device for its supposed ability to boost   new knowledge we are acquiring.   to break information down into
         the learning experience. This leads to   Studying, however, is an active process   smaller, more workable chunks so that
         complacency and the very possible   and requires conscious thought. It   increased meaning and understanding
         demise of the presence of a human   demands more engagement with      is achieved. According to a research
         teacher. The debate is, if learning   the learning matter and deeper   study by Mueller and Oppenheimer
         digitally is so prolific, why are we not   comprehension.             at the University of California (2016),
         creating more intelligent students?                                   it was found that longhand notes
                                            The ability to comprehend study    involved superior processing, storage
         There is undoubtedly a place for   material is influenced by the medium:   and encoding functions.
         technology in the classroom, but   the environmental reason for going
         total reliance on it is not advisable.   paperless is noble but the demise   It seems there are still advantages to
         Education seems obligated to maintain   of the printed word endangers our   doing things the old fashioned way,
         the advance of technology, but fails to   students’ ability to meaningfully   and until the human brain rewires itself
         advance itself. How can we expect our   engage with information.      to think and learn more digitally - and
         world-wise students to tackle an ‘old’                                education revamps itself to address the
         curriculum using new technological   Because studying is an active process,   digital status quo - the use of the
         principles if we fail to teach them how   it requires physical manipulation of   printed word and personal
         to use these devices favourably? We   information. Reading is passive and if  penmanship is most certainly not
         live in a society that has advanced   students are simply reading digitally,   on the wane. In response to the vast
         phenomenally but education has stood   they are not necessarily retaining   amount of research being undertaken
         somewhat still. Essentially, many of us   information.                across the globe on the use of digital
         are teaching old principles to new-age                                media, e-books and electronic
         students.                          Students learn better when they have   learning in education, many new
                                            access to tangible sources and are able   technologies are being developed to
         Technology is most definitely here to   to interact with the study material   support digital learning, but until we
         stay but the concept of ‘too much, too   using their own hands. This is true for   are able to foster the same learning
         soon’ is unfortunately a reality within   the classroom experience as well as   potential from a device as from our
         many educational institutions. More   the preparation for tests and exams.  hand, viva the pen!

                                             B Y KELLEY BL OEMINK

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