Page 32 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 9_2023
P. 32

Health & Wellness

                                                     A HOLISTIC


        Yoga may be performed at all levels by everyone                         are feeling, physically, emotionally and
                                                                                spiritually in the moment.
        from beginners to advanced practitioners as                             After you have set an intention for your

        each session at KisaneBräsler Yoga is carefully                         practice, you are guided through a
                                                                                breathing technique (the Sanskrit term
        structured to suit your individual  goals and abilities                 is ‘pranayama’) to teach you how to
        while taking into account any injuries you may have.                    regulate your breath - a very useful tool
                                                                                to have when you are stuck in traffic or
                                                                                experiencing road rage or other tricky life
                                                                                situations. The physical practice begins
                hat is Yoga you may ask?   The exciting revelation about yoga is that   with gentle movement, stretches and sun
                Yoga is a physical practice   the more you practise, the more you   salutes to warm your body and prepare
       Wthat connects you with             appreciate how much there is to learn   for the more challenging poses in the
       every level of your being. It’s a carefully   and it becomes a journey of self-discovery   sequence as well as some wall work if
       choreographed sequence of time-     and self-mastery. The other incredible fact   appropriate. After this, we slow down and
       tested postures that stretch, strengthen   about yoga (Sanskrit for ‘union’) is that   you end your session in a resting pose
       and invigorate your body and mind.   no matter what your passion is - running,   (the Sanskrit term is ’savasana’).
       Movement follows the breath and the   walking, cycling, golfing, fishing, horse-
       possibilities are infinite.         riding etc. - it will benefit from and be   The calming, centering, soothing effect
                                           improved by a consistent yoga practice.  of a yoga practice occurs when you
       My own personal journey with yoga                                        take proper mindful rest and your
       started at 40 and my only regret is that   A typical Hatha (Sanskrit ‘ha’ for ‘sun’   parasympathetic nervous system of ‘rest
       I didn’t discover this wonderful practice   and ’tha’ for ‘moon’) Vinyasa (Sanskrit   and digest’ is activated. ‘Savasana’ is the
       earlier. So, I encourage you to test   for ‘flow’) yoga session begins either   pose that gives you the chance to do this
       yourself out on a yoga mat and let the   seated or supine, with your eyes closed   and so you assimilate all the benefits of
       magic begin. I am stronger, more flexible   to direct your gaze inwards as you tune   your physical practice. You should feel
       and equanimous in my fifties than I ever   into your breath. Long, slow, deep inhales   energised and prepared for whatever the
       was in my twenties or thirties and I am   and exhales will slow your heart rate,   rest of the day has to offer.
       only just getting started.          calm and still your mind, and allow you
                                           to scan your body and assess how you

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