Page 20 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 1_2024
P. 20
Today's Child
y name is like Facebook and Instagram,
Estian Ger- as well as reaching out to
icke, I am 29 friends and relatives to explore
years old, and potential commissions. While I
I am a sculp- primarily create my own works,
Mtor. I am the I am open to fulfilling clients’
youngest of four siblings, and specific requests. I also ex-
I have always been the artis- hibit my art in galleries to gain
tic one in my family. While my exposure; sometimes they are
siblings chose careers in the auctioned, and some works
corporate world and architec- can be found in public places,
ture, I pursued my passion for such as the large scissor at the
art. My other hobbies are ten- Jawy hairdresser in Pierre van
nis, dancing and reading. My Ryneveld and the mermaid at
business name is Steel Spark King Price Menlyn.
and Craft and it encompasses
various creative aspects such I have encountered challenges
as welding and metal casting. in the past and occasionally,
The primary focus of my busi- I still face tight deadlines and
ness is to create sculptures that unforeseen problems in the
capture elements of life and artistic process. For example,
embody both masculine and the casting of hot metal into a
feminine beauty. mould can cause the mould to
crack under the heat, neces-
My artistic journey began at a sitating the re-casting of the
young age when I visited scrap mould.
yards to collect metal pieces
which I then welded together My future goals include estab-
to fashion objects like soldiers lishing myself as a renowned
and animals. After completing artist in South Africa, with my
my diploma at TUT in 2016, I works prominently displayed
secured an internship at Angus in galleries and public spaces.
Taylor’s foundry in Silverton. Pursuing a career in the world
of art is no easy feat, espe-
There I gained invaluable expe- cially in South Africa where it’s
rience in the art of transforming often viewed as a luxury, and
clay sculptures into bronze art- not everyone can afford art-
works. After four years with An- work. The art industry is highly
gus, I decided to embark on my competitive, and occasionally
own sculpting journey. Since slow sales can be dishearten-
2021, I have been whole-heart- ing. However, its vital to persist
edly crafting sculptures using with your passion and ambition,
recycled steel and aluminium. as these are the traits that will
The process involves shaping keep you motivated. The future
clay into specific artworks and of the art industry appears
then moulding it in order for it to promising, with numerous cor-
be cast in aluminium and steel. porate businesses and clients
investing in art. People are be-
My business venture began coming more conscious of the
with exhibitions at art galleries, environmental impact of the art
and from there, word of mouth market and are open to innova-
led to commissions. tive methods of art creation.
What sets my work apart is the As Albert Einstein once said:
combination of recycled alu- “Imagination is more important
minium, steel and sometimes than knowledge. Knowledge is
bronze. The unique character- limited. Imagination encircles
istics that emerge in the metal the world.”
during the casting process,
along with its natural patterns,
make my artworks stand out.
I find great joy in turning my Email:
imaginative ideas into artworks
which have a deeper mean-
ing that people can relate to.
Another aspect I cherish is the Tel: 072 628 1014
ability to take materials often
deemed as waste and unlock Instagram:
their potential as works of art. @steelsparkandcraft
My business model involves
online advertising on platforms
20 DPL issue 1 2024