Page 6 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 1_2024
P. 6
Dear Dainfern Precinct Community, about the enhancements at the raising neurodiverse children in
Dainfern Square shopping centre. South Africa. Their stories inspire
As we welcome the bright The centre, already a favourite and support anyone on a similar
beginnings of a new year, I am among us for its convenience and path. They remind us that every
thrilled to present to you the first variety, is undergoing upgrades member of our community,
issue of our magazine for 2024. to further enrich our shopping regardless of their uniqueness, is
This issue, like our cherished experiences. We're eager to see a valued and integral part of our
community, reflects the values and how these changes will bring even collective journey.
interests that bring us together – more vibrancy and convenience to
family, unity, and a shared pursuit our community's doorstep. Our aim is to ensure that each
of a fulfilling life. issue resonates with you, offering
In line with our commitment content that is both engaging
Our community, renowned for its to enriching our lives, we have and relevant. Here's to a year
family-oriented and community- included a decor feature packed filled with growth, happiness, and
focused ethos, continues to be with practical home improvement memorable moments within our
a place where individuals and tips. These ideas are not wonderful community.
families thrive in harmony and only creative but also easy to
comfort. It's a privilege to be part implement, allowing you to add a
of an area where neighbours are touch of freshness to your living Nicola
more than just residents; they're spaces.
like an extended family. Another highlight of this issue is a
deeply moving and insightful article
This issue brings exciting news about two mothers' experiences
6 DPL issue 1 2024