Page 8 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 1_2024
P. 8



                                SECURITY ON

                 BROADACRES  DRIVE

        The Broadacres Drive                    experience an improved quality   8. QUICK RESPONSE TO
        Association (BDA)                       of life when they feel safe and   •  ISSUES:
                                                secure in their neighbourhood.
                                                                                    Immediate Assistance: Security
        providing security on                                                       personnel quickly respond to
        Broadacres Drive offers             5. CUSTOMIZED SECURITY                  noise complaints, disputes, or
        several benefits to                 •   Tailored Approaches: The BDA        other issues that may arise,
                                                                                    helping to maintain a peaceful
        the residents and the                   works with the security service     living environment.
        community as a whole,                   provider to customize security
                                                measures based on the specific
        such as:                                needs and characteristics of    9. CUSTOMIZED ACCESS
                                                the Dainfern precinct, ensuring  •  Controlled Access: Security
        1.  CRIME PREVENTION:                   that the security strategy aligns   manage and control access
        •   Deterrence: Visible security        with the community's unique         to the Dainfern precinct with
            presence acts as a deterrent to     requirements.                       the objective of preventing
            potential criminals, reducing the                                       unauthorized entry and
            likelihood of criminal activities  6. COMMUNITY BUILDING:               enhancing overall security.
            such as theft, vandalism, or    •   Community Engagement:
            burglary.                           Security personnel can engage   The BDA works collaboratively with
        •   Patrols: Regular security patrols   with residents, fostering a sense  the Estates, complexes, Dainfern
            help monitor the area, identify     of community and encouraging    College, shopping centres, local
            suspicious activities, and respond  communication between           authorities and security professionals
            promptly to potential security      neighbours.                     to create a comprehensive security
            threats.                                                            plan that addresses the unique needs
                                            •   Education: The security         of the Dainfern precinct.
        2. ENHANCED SAFETY:                     service provider provides tips
        •   Traffic Management: Security        on safety and security practices,  Below is an overview of incidents for
            personnel assist with traffic       empowering residents to         the last 4 months responded to by
            control and contribute to overall   contribute to their own safety.  Thompson’s security. It is not difficult
            road safety within the Dainfern                                     to imagine what the situation would
            precinct.                       7.  REGULATION COMPLIANCE:          be without the BDA and Thompson’s
                                            •   Adherence to Regulations: The   security monitoring Broadacres Drive
        •   Emergency Response: Trained         security measures help ensure   so thank you to all the members
            security personnel provide a        that the BDA comply with local  contributing to the continued
            rapid response to emergencies,      regulations and standards related  operation of the BDA as it is a critical
            accidents, or medical situations    to safety and security.         and very necessary function.
            until professional help arrives.
        •   Risk Management: The security
            measures in place reduce the
            risk of incidents and accidents.
        •   Community Confidence:
            Knowing that there is a security
            presence on the road enhances
            the overall sense of security
            among residents, contributing to
            a more peaceful and comfortable
            living environment.

        •   Attractiveness: A secure
            residential estate is often more
            attractive to potential buyers or
            renters, leading to increased
            property values and desirability.
        •   Quality of Life: Residents

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