Page 24 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 3_2024
P. 24

Today's Child



        Ever wondered how certain birds came by their names?

                ome bird names are quite    “Booby trap”.                        Honeyguides have another very notable
                descriptive and immediately                                      characteristic, which is that they are
                suggest a characteristic of that   And what about Honeyguides, do they   brood parasites. Host species of the
                species. For instance names   really lead one to a succulent treat as   Greater Honeyguide include Woodland,
       Sindicating dietary preferences      their name suggests? Well the next time   Brown-hooded, Grey-hooded and Pygmy
       include Bee-eaters, Flycatchers and   you hear the distinctive “Victor, Victor”   Kingfishers, African Hoopoe, Carmine,
       Oystercatchers. Other species are named   call of the Greater Honeyguide, it’s   White-fronted and Little Bee-eaters,
       for a specific physical characteristic and   unlikely to lead you to a sweet reward   Black-collared and Crested Barbets and
       White-eyes with their conspicuous white   in a neighbour’s garden! However the   various Swallows, Martins, Starlings and
       eye ring and Hornbills with their oversized   Honeyguide is aptly named and well-  Woodpeckers. The Honeyguide hatchling
       bills are good local examples. Similarly,   documented accounts exist of Greater   has a unique pair of needle-sharp hooks
       Rollers are named for their aerobatics   Honeyguides leading travellers in African   at the end of its mandible, which it uses
       and often perform rolls and loops when   woodlands to bees’ nests. The Greater   to puncture the unhatched eggs of its
       displaying. Onomatopoeic names reflect   Honeyguide will chatter excitedly and if   host bird thus killing the embryo. Any
       the distinctive sounds and calls of various   one then walks towards it, the bird will fly   surviving chicks are savagely dealt with
       species and include Babblers, Hoopoes and   off and settle in another tree. On repeat   until the Honeyguide chick is the sole
       Cuckoos, and perhaps the most distinctive   approaches the bird will again take off,   occupant of the nest. It is fed by the host
       call of all, that of the Hadeda Ibis.   not necessarily straight towards the bees’   bird for up to a month and eats what the
                                            nest, and following the bird can be quite   host species would normally feed to their
       The names of a few bird species have   arduous. The white outer tail feathers do,   chicks. It is never given wax to eat by the
       found their way into general use in the   however, make it easy to keep sight of   host bird nor is it taught to guide but,
       English language. The phrase “As dead as   the bird as it flies its erratic course. Both   nevertheless, it instinctively develops
       a Dodo” refers to the unfortunate flightless   male and female adult birds practise this   these behavioural characteristics. There
       Dodo bird that proliferated on the island of   guiding behaviour as well as first year sub-  have been records throughout history
       Mauritius but became extinct by 1681. The   adult birds.                  of Honeyguides nibbling at beeswax
       Dodo stood a metre in height and weighed                                  candles on church altars and they have
       about 20kg. This species lost the ability to   On arrival at a bee’s nest the behaviour of   also been known to enter the sheds of
       fly as food on Mauritius was plentiful and   the Honeyguide changes noticeably and   bee-keepers to gain access to stored
       there were no natural predators on the   the bird waits patiently for the honeycomb   wax combs. As bees are not present on
       island. It was easy prey for hungry sailors   to be extracted from the nest by its human   these occasions it is thought that the
       and became extinct within eighty years of   companion. The bird's favourite delicacy is   Honeyguide can detect the wax by sense
       being discovered in 1598. Mariners ancient   the wax honeycomb itself, portions of which   of smell, a sense very few other birds
       and modern also set baited snares to catch   it will nip off and swallow. All three Southern   possess.
       birds at sea. A light rope was looped around   African Honeyguide species (Greater, Lesser
       the bait and when a bird landed on the   and Scaly-throated) eat wax, which is   So, next time you hear the call of
       ship to pick up the bait, the rope was pulled   indigestible to most other animals. Indeed,   the Greater Honeyguide, know that
       tight around the leg. Most birds caught in   Honeyguides are the only creatures in Africa   you’re listening to one of Africa’s most
       this manner were Boobys, hence the term   capable of digesting wax.       remarkable birds.

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